Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

by the control points. Improved results were obtained 
by photogrammetry, while invariance performed less 
accurately due to the location of the check points 
relative to the control points frame. It is clear that the 
invariance method works better if the check points are 
confined with in and closer to the control points frame. 
1. Linear image features arc significant source of 
information which when properly exploited facilitate 
three-dimensional object reconstruction, since they are 
abundant in human-made infrastructure, and are 
amenable to automated feature extraction. 
2. Geometric constraints between various linear 
features provide substantial information in support of 
photogrammetric restitution and object reconstruction, 
both in absolute and partially absolute sensc. 
3. Feature recovery by photogrammetric techniques 
(triangulation or extended rclative orientation) is 
accurate, even though the recovery of the interior 
orientation parameters may not be accurate, due to 
projective compensation. 
4.  Invariance provides a useful tool for object 
reconstruction, particularly since it does not require 
approximate values. 
5. The point sequence used to construct the invariance 
equations can have a significant influence on the results, 
particularly for the redundant case where position 
estimates and their quality vary. A refined least squares 
approach, which requires linearization of the equations 
appears to alleviate this non-uniqueness problem. 
6. It is crucial that the fundamental matrix, F, be well 
recovered for the success of invariance technique, 
especially for the convergent geometry case. 
Furthermore, the configuration of control and check 
object points is rather critical to the quality of the 
results. Points used for both the estimation of F and 
as control points should not fall close to a planc. 
Rescarch is continuing on the following: 
a. Experimentation to study the effects of various 
configuration of the ground points (both control and 
check) and the different camera geometry on the 
performance of the invariance technique. 
b. Extension of the invariance technique to apply to 
multiple overlapping photos. 
c. Investigate the line-based and combined point/line- 
based invariance techniques for object reconstruction. 
d. Study the possibility of developing a hybrid approach 
combining invariance and photogrammetry for object 
This rescarch is sponsored by the Office of Research 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
and Development; the support and encouragement of 
Dr. Yeongji Kim, the COTR, are gratefully 
acknowledged. ^ Thanks are due E. Barrett and P. 
Payton for their free exchange of information on 
Barakat, H., Weerawong, K., and Mikhail, E.M., 1995. 
Comparison Between Invariance and Photogrammetry 
for Image and Object Transfer. SPIE, Orlando, FL, 
Vol. 2486. 
Barakat, H., Doucette, P., and Mikhail, E.M., 1994, 
Photogrammetric Analysis of Image invariance. ISPRS 
Commission III, Munich, Germany, pp. 25-34. 
Barrett, E., Gheen, G., and Payton, P. 1994. 
Algorithms for Invariant Model Transfer and Object 
Reconstruction. IU Workshop, Monterey, CA, Vol. II, 
pp 1429-1440. 
Hartley, R., and Mundy. J., 1993. The Relationship 
Between Photogrammetry and Computer Vision. SPIE, 
Vol. 1944, pp. 92-105. 
Mikhail, E.M., and Weerawong, K., 1994. Feature- 
Based Photogrammetric object construction. ASPRS, 
Reno, Nevada. 
Mikhail, E.M, 1993. Linear Features for 
Photogrammetric restitution and Object completion, 
SPIE, Vol. 1944, pp. 16-30. 
Mikhail, E.M., 1976. Observations and Least Squares. 
University Press of America, New York. 
Mulawa, D.C. and Mikhail, E.M. 1988. 
Photogrammetric Treatment of Linear Features. 
ISPRS, Kyoto, Japan, Vol. 10, pp. 383-393. 
Zisserman, A., 1995. Uncalibrated Vision. ISPRS, The 
Role of Models in Automated Scene Analysis, 
Stockholm, Sweden. 
C,(X) = Cross Ratio of the 4 Planes: 
XVX2X3, Xi X3 X4, Xy Xa X3, X XX 
(From Basrett 1994) 

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