tion carried by the original cells should then be
transferred to the new cell.
- class driven generalization: in this strategy regions
are identified, consisting of mutually adjacent
objects belonging to the same class. These objects
will then be aggregated to form larger spatial units
with uniform thematic characteristics. The general-
ization is then driven by the thematic information
of the spatial data.
- functional generalization: spatial objects at a low
aggregation level are aggregated to form new
objects at a higher level. The objects are functional
units with respect to some process defined at their
aggregation level, the processes at the different
aggregation levels are related.
- structural generalization: the main aim of the
process is to simplify the description of a spatial
system, such as drainage networks, while keeping
the overall structure intact. This to the fact that
after generalization the total functioning of the
same system can be understood at a less detailed
Each strategy has its own range of applications. Data base
users should be well aware of why they are generalizing
spatial data, so that they can chose which strategy is to
be used. The first strategy is in most cases used when
the geometric resolution of aspatial description is reduced
without a clear semantic motivation. The latter three
strategies, however, are semantically defined and
motivated. They will be explained in some more detail
3.1. Class Driven Object Generalization
2,7 [5] nat. grassiand — [7] nat. grassiand
i 1, 5. 6. 8, 12 c 23
[7] deciduous forest T
3,9. 1r EZ al forest
2 um 2
4,10 = [J contferous foret —7 2,4 iu 38
arable land
16 2 le lan TU an iure i er 7
5,8, 124] pasture land , 10, 11 —— 52
fig. 4: Class driven object aggregation.
Suppose that a database contains the situation A of figure
4, this is a detailed description of a terrain situation with
agricultural fields, forrest areas and natural grasslands.
This description might be too detailed for a structural
analysis which should give information about the areas
covered by the different major types of land use and their
spatial distribution. A less detailed spatial description can
then be obtained, if the original objects area aggregated
to form larger spatial regions per major land use class.
Figures 4 and 5 show that this less detailed description
can be obtained in two steps:
- first the objects are assigned to more general
classes representing the major land use types this
results in situation B of figure 4,
- then mutually adjacent objects are combined per
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
class to form regions, this results in situation C of
figure 4.
These final regions can be considered as aggregated objects.
The functions D/(O, 7) express then that objects should be
aggregated per (super)class, i.e. if aggregated objects should
be formed for agriculture then
if O € Agriculture D(O,Agriculture)
else D(O, Agriculture)
The output of the aggregation process are regions in the
sense of section 2.3. Each region is an aggregate of objects
that belong to one land use class, so if R,is an agricultural
region then:
- for all objects O, € R, is D(O; Agriculture) = 1
- if O; € R, and ADJACENT[O,, O;] ^ 1 and D(O,
Agriculture) = 1
then O, € R,
A consequence of this rule is that after the aggregation
process there can be no two adjacent regions that are of
the same type, i.e. that represent the same land use class.
Thematic and Geometric Resolution
The example represented in the figures 4 and 5 shows a
situation where the thematic aspects of the newly
aggregated objects can still be handled within the original
class hierarchy. It might be that the same classes can be
used as for the original objects, but the example shows
a situation where it is quite clear that with each database
generalization step the class hierarchy is adjusted; per step
the occurring lowest level of classes is removed, only the
more general classes remain, see also figures 5 and 12.
That means that the thematic resolution is adjusted to the
geometric resolution of the terrain description.
There might be situations whereitis not necessary to jump
to more general classes with each aggregation step. In
those cases the new objects can be assigned to the original
classes with consequence that they have the same
attributes as the objects from which they have been
composed. This is in fact the case if we consider the step
from B to C in figure 4 in isolation. There the objects
1,5,6,8 and 12 all belong to the class "agriculture".
Therefore they have the same attribute structure. They
are distinct because they had different attribute values.
Within this class they are aggregated to form the composite
object 23, i.e.
0, « AGGRIO,, O;, Oy, 05, 0,5).
This new object still belongs to the same class "agriculture"
and has attributes in common with original objects. The
attribute values of the original objects will then be
transferred to the new object as in figure 6.
That will always have the effect that the spatial variability
of the attribute values will be reduced, because after each
aggregation step the attribute values that were assigned
per object will then be merged into one value for a larger
object. That means that the relationship between spatial
and thematic resolution is not only expressed through the
link between class level and aggregation level, it also
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