Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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nent that 
will not be eliminated then the catchment of W, should 
be merged with C, 
> find C, for which Upstr[C,, Cj] = 1 
if D £s 
and thôre-is.no D, € S with Upsic,, C1 1 
> AGGR(D;,D,) = Di 
> AGGRIC;, Chi) = Chi 
The notation D, means that D; and D, have been merged 
and Ci. Means that C; and C,; have been merged. When 
these steps have been done for each element D, € S, then 
new Strahler numbers can be assigned to the remaining 
elements according to their new position in the network. 
Then the selection procedure can be repeated and so on 
until no more elements are eliminated. 
A Test Case 
The drainage system represented in figure 9.a will be used 
as an example to demonstrate the generalization process. 
This figure is a schematic representation of the Romani 
Drainage system in the Anoia-Penedes Area in NE-Spain 
(Martinez Casasnovas 1994). The total area of this drain- 
age system is 28.53 km?, at a 1:50.000 scale it has 37 
mappable drainage elements. The figure only shows the 
water lines W; with their catchments, the drainage element 
D; are not shown here. 
fig. 9: a) The drainage system at 1:50.000 scale 
b) The drainage sustem at 1:100.000 scale 
The transition from the original scale to the scale 
1:100.000 will be done through the generalization 
procedure explained before. So first the drainage elements 
with Strahler number — 1 and width « 75m are elimin- 
ated, their catchments are aggregated with their down- 
stream catchments. Thenthe remaining drainage elements 
arereclassified and the procedure is repeated until no more 
elements are eliminated. 
The result of this procedure is shown in figure 9.b. The 
drainage system represented at 1:100.000 scale has only 
nine mappable drainage elements. Their catchments are 
aggregates of the catchments shown at the 1:50.000 
scale. The fact that they are considered to be aggregated 
catchments implies that the information carried by the 
original catchments is now transferred to these aggre- 
The Romani drainage system has been mapped for an 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
erosion survey. Erosion classes are estimated per catchment 
from the information contained in the attributes of the 
drainage elements. These are used to compute per 
catchment the drainage density in km/km? and the 
crenellation ratio in km/km? These data combined with the 
depth and the activity class of the drainage elements 
determine the erosion class of each catchment. When the 
area of the catchments are summed per erosion class we 
find in the original situation at 1:50.000 scale that 6896 
of the area is slightly eroded, 3096 is moderately eroded 
and about 2% shows severe erosion, see figure 10.a. 
After generalization aggregated catchments are formed 
for which the erosion classes have to be estimated. 
Although a large number of drainage elements have not 
been represented any more at the reduced scale, the 
[1 sightly eroded 
moderately eroded 
severely eroded 
fig. 10: a) Erosion classes estimated in 1:50.000 
scale representation 
b) Erosion classes estimated in 1:100.000 
scale representation 
information they carry has been transferred to the aggre- 
gated catchments. With these data we find now for the 
erosion classes that 79,5% of the area is slightly eroded, 
20% is moderately eroded and 0.5% is severely eroded, 
see figure 10.b. These numbers deviate significantly from 
the original values, furthermore the spatial distribution of 
the occurrence ofthe erosion classesis quite different from 
the original distribution. The case is even worse if we had 
completely ignored the information carried by the eliminated 
drainage elements. Then the values would be respectively 
99.5%, 0% and 0.5%. 
The structural generalization of the drainage system kept 
considered its constituting entities as hydrologic units. This 
had the effect that the computation of hydrologic processes 
is invariant after the generalization. The generalized network 
could, however, not be used to formulate reliable 
statements about the erosion classes of the areas in the 
system. That would require another generalization process 
where we have to specify what statements about erosion 
should be invariant after transformation. A class driven 
or ageometry driven strategy might have been more useful 
in this case. 
Chapter 3. discussed several strategies for the generaliz- 
ation of spatial databases. These strategies were based 
on the concept of spatial object aggregation in combination 

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