with class hierarchies. In the process of object aggregation
the information of lower level objects is aggregated to
higher level objects, but in principle the original detailed
information is maintained so that it is possible to access
the detailed information of the lower level objects through
the aggregated objects. The result of such an aggregation
process is a less detailed terrain description that may be
compared to the result of a map generalization.
The output of this process could be used as the input for
a following aggregation step. This has been illustrated in
figure 11, that shows a process starting from the situation
of figure 4.C. The regions of situation C are assigned to
more general classes in situation D and the aggregated
to form the larger regions of situation E.
27 = natural grassland
“SOFT natural vegetation 238 =o &
38, 52=> forest a? 23 — 2
2 «c agriculture uw] agriculture 7,52 c==t= 85
fig. 11: The second aggregation step for the objects
of figure 4.C.
The class generalization and object aggregation steps of
the approach of figures 4 and 11 have been represented
in a different way in figure 13. This figure combines per
database generalization step two steps like those of figure
4. In the first step of figure 13 the objects of the different
classes are first assigned to the super classes at the next
higher level in the hierarchy (compare the class generaliz-
ation step of fig 4), then in the same step the objects that
form a region per super class are aggregated to form a
larger object (compare the object aggregation step of fig
4). This procedure is repeated in the second step of figure
This figure shows that the two steps of the example of
section 3.1 reduce the number of objects, that is why we
rather talk of database generalization because the process
generated objects with a lower spatial and thematic
resolution then the original objects. Due to the fact that
the original objects formed a geometric partition of the
mapped area and due to the fact that generalization
process made use of the topologic and hierarchical
structures in which the objects had been modelled, this
process resulted in a new set of objects that also formed
a geometric partition of the mapped space. But the result
was a terrain description of a reduced spatial complexity
as is shown in the stepwise reduction of the complexity
of the adjacency graphs of figure 12.
Each object is represented by a node in these graphs and
the adjacency between two objects is represented by an
arc. This figure gives the adjacency graphs related to each
stage of a process that starts from the situation B of figure
3 where the original objects have been assigned to their
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
fig. 12: Theadjacency graphs related to differentstages
of the generalization processes of figures 4 and 11.
super classes. If we follow the steps of fig. 12 then we
see that:
- in step a the regions per class have been identified,
- in step b the objects in each region are aggregated
to form a composite object that is represented by
one node,
- these regions are after step c assigned to more
general classes,
- in step d regions at this higher class level have been
identified, these are composed of the objects
obtained after step b,
- then finally after step e each of these regions have
been aggregated again to form the objects at the
higher aggregation level which is then represented
by one node, this is the adjacency graph of situation
E of figure 11.
The reduction of spatial complexity is one of the important
aspects of generalization processes as they are known in
mapping disciplines. This process has traditionally been
applied in the form of map generalization to reduce the
information content of a map so that a mapped area could
be represented at a smaller map-scale. This process has
two steps, the conceptual generalization and the graphic
generalization. The conceptual generalization results in a
redefinition of the mapped spatial features or objects to
reduce their number for the terrain description at the smaller
scale. The graphical generalization isin facta simplification
ofthe graphical representation of these features or objects,
including such aspects as geometric simplification, object
displacement, resymbolization etc.
When we deal with spatial database generalization in a
GIS environment then this might include the graphical
representation as well, but that is not necessarily so. The
main aim will be a simplified terrain description, i.e. alower
spatial complexity to emphasize spatial patterns and
relationships that might be difficult to find in a more detailed
terrain description. That means that this process is very
much related to the conceptual generalization step
mentioned before the main aim of this step is to obtain
a data reduction. We have seen that it can to a large extend
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