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object generalisation step 2
object generalisation step 1
fig. 13: A diagram representing the object generalization steps of figures 4 and 11.
be defined in the form of database operations for
databases that are implementations of the formal data
structure (FDS) as explained in chapter 2. Such databases
will be called shortly FDS-databases.
A spatial database may containinformation about different
aspects of a particular area, as we saw in the example
of section 3.3. A generalization process may keep one
aspect invariant, let us call that the primary interpretation
of the database. The other aspects may be affected so
that the information is not reliable after the process, we
will call these the secondary interpretations of the
database. If we consider generalization operations as a
type of transformation of a spatial data base, then we
should make explicit decisions about which aspects of the
original data bases are to remain invariant, so we should
decide what is to be considered as the primary interpreta-
tion of the data base. This choice will be made within
some users context of the data base, i.e. the user will be
interested in the correct representation of some spatial
characteristics, while others may be deformed by the
A good understanding of database generalization may be
useful for the design of procedures for spatial data
acquisition. Information extraction from images is partly
a reverse process to generalization. Generalization is a
process with a stepwise data reduction, going from high
resolution to low resolution. The information of the high
resolution objects is merged into low resolution objects.
Image interpretation can often be formulated as a process
where data are produced stepwise. We can learn from
generalization processes what information low resolution
objects carry about their constituting high resolution
objects. This knowledge may help us in image interpreta-
tion, where large image segments can be seen as low
resolution objects. These should then contain thematic
information in addition to the radiometric and spectral
information of the image itself, to identify smaller
segments that may represent high resolution objects.
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Hesse, W. and F.J. Leahy (1992): Authorative Topographic-
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Martinez Casasnovas, J.A. (1994): Hydrographic Informa-
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and
Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996