unnecessary terms in the matching process. This
therefore would yield less accurate results. The
minimum standard deviation for ABM and 2SM are
approximately 0.19mm and 0.13mm respectively.
This shows that accuracy from the 2SM method is
better than the ABM.
4.3 Computation Time
Computation time (min:sec)
Window size ABM 2SM
9x9 00:26 00:21
55 X55 07:38 06:32
101 X 101 34:26 33:51
Table 1. Computation time for the ABM and SM methods
Table 1 compares the computation time of the ABM and
SM methods for the cylinder (95 points) at window sizes
9, 55 and 101 pixels. The stopping criteria used for the
least squares solution in both methods are :-
(a) rate of convergence (Mikhail & Ackermann, 1976),
which is 0.01 pixel
(b) the magnitude of the corrections to the unknowns,
which is 0.01 pixel
(c) the maximum number of iterations, which is 16
(d) the detection of unstable/weak normal equations by
the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) method
(Griffiths & Hill, 1985).
From Table 1, it can be seen that, the computation time
taken for the SM method at any window size is less than
those of the ABM. This shows that the proposed
functional model has improved, thus, converges more
quickly even though it has 9 (as opposed to 8 for the
ABM) parameters to solve.
it has been shown that, the internal precision obtained
from the 18M and 28M methods is much higher than
ABM for both the plate and the cylinder. This suggests
that the functional model has been improved to fit the
observations more closely.
The use of second order parameters in matching plane
surfaces and for smaller window sizes has been found to
give inaccurate results. This is probably due to
overparametrisation. Therefore, surface model should be
kept simple (only first order) if surfaces to be measured
are plane or working with smaller windows. The accuracy
of the matched coordinates from the 1SM and 2SM
methods was also shown to be higher than the ABM.
This experiment has shown that the conventional ABM
functional model has been improved through the use of a
surface model. This is reflected in the attained accuracy ,
convergence, and computation time. It has also shown
that suitable surface models should be used when dealing
with different surfaces. Comparisons with more complex
ABM methods, such as the geometrically constrained and
global matching would be of great interest.
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