The coefficients in (26) can all be calculated directly from the
data once the SVD of F has been computed. Moreover once
(26) has been solved, the focal lengths f and f' can be read
off directly from the values of wı,w2 and ws through (18)
and (19). Finally there is a unique correspondence between
focal lengths and coefficients once the arbitrary scale factor
A has been eliminated.
To conclude this section, note that if F is rescaled to «F,
then the coefficients in the vector on the left hand side and
in the first column on the right hand side scale as «?, while
the coefficients in the remaining two columns are invariant.
Hence any numerical estimate of F should be rescaled to en-
sure that (26) is a well-conditioned system. A simple sensible
choice for this is to attempt to ensure that elements in the
first column have roughly the same magnitude as elements
in the other columns (i.e. are of order unity) by scaling F so
that ||£]| 2 1 as proposed in the discussion leading up to (9).
We now explore degenerate configurations for which multi-
ple factorisations of the form in (8) may exist with A and
A" having the form in (2). Assuming the underlying camera
model is correct, by Proposition 1 such a factorisation is pos-
sible if and only if A, A' and F satisfy (14). As each step in
the remainder of the derivation is reversible, it follows that,
given the special form of A and A’, a unique factorisation
exists for (8) if and only if (26) has a unique solution.
For convenience, let us express (26) formally as s = Cw,
where s = (o2,0,02)" and w = (Wa; Wa, wa)”. Then it is
a fundamental result of linear algebra that (26) has a unique
solution if and only if C is invertible. If C is not invertible,
then (26) will have either multiple solutions or no solutions
depending on whether or not s is in the range of C. The
case where (26) has no solutions is of little interest. Since
we are assuming we have data from a real world system there
must be at least one solution: assuming that the underlying
camera model is essentially correct, then the fact that s is
outside the range of C can be put down to measurement
errors and appropriate allowances made (e.g. (26) could be
solved in a total least squares sense as described in [5]).
The condition that C is not invertible is equivalent to
det(C) = 0. From (26) and a little algebra we have that
det(C) = [(ui f3)(ui is) + (uj fs) (uj is)]
(uf f3)(u7 is) — (ui fs) (uiis)]. (27)
Thus det(C) vanishes if and only if either of the factors on the
right hand side of (27) is identically zero. The next proposi-
tion now interprets these conditions in terms of the geometry
of the imaging system.
Proposition 2 Two focal lengths cannot be uniquely identi-
fied from the fundamental matrix if and only if the geometry
of the imaging system is in either of the following classes of
(i) The optical axes of the two cameras and the baseline
between them are coplanar.
(ii) One optical axis, the baseline and the vector perpen-
dicular to the baseline and the other optical axis are
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Proof. We have established that a unique solution is not
possible if and only if one of the factors on the right hand side
of (27) is zero. It remains to give the geometric interpretation
of each of the conditions
[(uf fs) (uf is) -- (u2f3)(u2i3)] =
[(uZ£)(ufis) - (uZ£)(ufi;)] =
We first show that (28) is equivalent to the condition that
F33 — 0. To see this, note that since the u; form an or-
thonormal basis
f, 2 3 (uifs)us. (30)
Since F7 us — 0, it follows that ff us — 0 and that
(ult) (alia) + (ulfs)(ulia) = fli; — Fas. (31)
Thus (28) is equivalent to Fas = 0. Since Ais — is and
A’ 'i3 ~ is, we have that
^ i3 BRis
But is is also the unit vector in the direction of the optical
axis in each image expressed in the local coordinate system
of each image. Thus (32) is equivalent to z' - (b x z) — 0,
where z and z' are unit vectors in the direction of the optical
axes expressed in the global coordinate system. This in turn
implies that the vectors z, z' and b are coplanar.
We next examine (29). If we define the vector g by
g — (ul fi)u; - (uf fi)u;, (33)
then it is straightforward to check that g is orthogonal to
fs. Moreover since the uj form an orthonormal basis, g
is orthogonal to us. Finally (29) effectively states that g
is orthogonal to i3. Since g is non-zero as long as fs is
non-zero, this implies that the vectors f5,i; and u3 must be
linearly dependent (i.e. they are coplanar).
We Sow show that this coplanarity condition is equivalent to
condition (ii) of the proposition. To see this, it suffices to
show that b and BRiz are in the subspace spanned by f3, i3
and us. To establish this first for b, note that (2) and (13)
br A us (1—(f' + DES
= bz À, U3 + A213, (34)
for some constants A; and A». To establish a similar result
for BRis, we first note that the particular form of A implies
that A^lis ^ is. Thus
BRi; ^» BRA i;
— A A'TBRA-^!is
e(T-(/7 + DLAI BRA,
= ATTBRAT Hs 4 (FT + 1)0T A TT BRAT iu)
— Asfs 4 A4ds, (35)
for some constants À3 and A4.
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