ion is not
hand side
ition that
rm an or-
~ 13 and
he optical
te system
xu) - 0,
he optical
Ns in turn
ogonal to
| basis, g
es that g
as fa is
; must be
jivalent to
suffices to
d by fs, ia
and (13)
ilar result
A. implies
RA is);
Since b and BR; can be expressed as linear combinations of
f3,is and us and these three vectors are linearly dependent,
it follows that b, BRis and is are also linearly dependent.
But by construction BRi; = b x z where z = Riz is the
optical axis for the first image. Thus BRis is the vector
perpendicular to both the baseline and the optical axis of
the first image. Since is is the direction of the optical axis
in the second image, we have that the optical axis in the
second image, the baseline and the vector perpendicular to
the optical axis in the first image and to the baseline are all
coplanar. This completes the proof. 0
In conclusion, we have shown that there are two classes of
degenerate imaging configurations in which two focal lengths
cannot be uniquely recovered from the fundamental matrix,
but that in all other cases unique recovery is possible. As
noted in the introduction, the fact that the first class (in
which the optical axes and the baseline are coplanar) is de-
generate is of practical significance, since many existing ar-
tificial vision systems are restricted to such configurations.
The form of the second class has a pleasing symmetry with
respect to the form of the first, but it is of little practical
importance: imaging systems are usually constructed so that
the optical axes tend to be roughly parallel with each other
and roughly orthogonal to the baseline. Note, however, that
it is still possible for there to be significant overlap of the
camera fields of view for configurations in this class.
We now turn to the special case where the two focal lengths
are known a priori to be equal: this will occur if a single
camera with an unknown focal length is used to take both
images. For general configurations the problem can obvi-
ously be solved by the algorithm presented above: we are
interested in deriving a solution that will still recover the fo-
cal length in some of the degenerate configurations identified
under Proposition 2.
To achieve this we return to (14). In the case where the
focal lengths are equal a priori, we have A = A’ = A”, so
multiplying each side of the equation on the left by A^! and
on the right by A gives
—2 T
FA?FT A? — ) i LT QUE | (36)
uf A-?us
where A is an arbitrary scale factor. We now show how to
derive a quadratic from this system that will uniquely identify
the focal length f in almost all configurations. To do this we
note that forming the inner products of the matrices in (36)
w.r.t the vectors u; and u» gives:
WEAF Ay, = A. = ul FATT Alnus. (3T)
Recalling (16), setting u — (f? —1) and noting that uZ F =
oxvi shows that (37) can be written as
civi (Ed pisi?) F7 (I -- pioi? )u; —
02V3 (1+ pisid)FT(I--puisif)uo. (38)
Expanding out both sides of the equations and collecting
terms gives the following quadratic in u
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
0=0—-0 +
[(QuTis)? 4 (vfis)?) o1 — ((uZis)? - (vZis)^) o2] n
[(uris)(viis)ei — (uzis)(v2ia)o2] Fas p^. (39)
This quadratic has at most two solutions unless all the co-
efficients vanish identically. If the highest order coefficient
does not vanish we have observed that the roots pj, uo of the
quadratic always appear to be real and satisfy uj « —1 « 42.
but have not been able to prove this. If this does indeed hold
true, (18) shows that this will give one real and positive focal
length and one imaginary focal length: the latter can be dis-
carded immediately leaving the former as the unique solution.
Thus more than two solutions will only occur if all coeffi-
cients vanish. A necessary condition for this is that 01 = 02,
i.e. that the matrix be an essential matrix. This by itself is not
sufficient, however a complete analysis of exactly what con-
figurations will achieve this is not attempted here: we simply
note that they are likely to be rather special configurations
that are already known to be degenerate, such as when there
is no rotation (see [1, 2] for a more detailed analysis of these
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