Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ist be inde- 
each point 
pectively, is 
I of a point 
The neig- 
defined via 
n). The set 
ıbset of the 
ie points in 
an or equal 
ch are close 
sewhere on 
when inter- 
ly exist one 
ch will have 
esults from 
egions that 
In appropri- 
1994], this 
lese points, 
nes against 
shold value 
'e 3). 
dent of the 
local coor- 
updated in 
1e iteration 
, or can be 
e triangles 
gent plane 
plane at P 
desired, fil- 
than a cer- 
iction func- 
es between 
two vertices of the triangulation. If filtering is applied, the 
vertices of the triangulation obtain new coordinates. 
4.2 Calculating the boundary curves and their normal 
vector fields 
Boundary curves Each boundary curve replaces an edge 
of the triangulation. The end points of the curves are the 
vertices of the triangulation. All curves meeting in one point 
must have tangents at this point that lie in a common tangent 
plane. In general this tangent plane is obtained by calculating 
normal vectors for each point of the triangulation. 
The boundary curves shall be of degree three. This guarantees 
compatibility to various systems based on spatial curves. For 
example in [Halmer,1996] a way to adjust spatial curve nets 
composed of curves of degree three is described. In cases 
where the curves are given, only the normal vector fields along 
these curves have to be computed. Otherwise the task is to 
determine a curve c(t),t € [ta, to], that interpolates two given 
points Po = c(ta) and P, = c(t). Po and P; are vertices 
of the triangulation, their surface normals are ng and n;. 
The curve c(t) must also fullfil the ‘tangent plane conditions’ 
¢(ta) no = 0 and c(£5) : ni — 0. As the curves are of degree 
three, we just need to compute c(£,) and c(t;). 
The edges of the triangulation emanating from one point 
prescribe an order: Looking at that point against the dir- 
ection of its normal vector each edge has one edge to its 
left and one to its right. This order must be maintained by 
the curves [Kobbelt, 1995]. Laying the tangent c(£4) in Po 
in the plane through PoP, and no guarantees that the or- 
dering prescribed by the edges is maintained. Together with 
C(ta)-No = 0 the direction of the tangent is determined com- 
pletely. Analogy applies for c(t5). The length of the first 
derivative vectors can be chosen in a way that the curvature 
of the surface computed in a previous step is approximated 
(interpolation is possible only for planar curves, which needs 
another choice of the tangent directions; e.g. [Mann,1992]). 
Normal vector field Given is a curve c(t),t € [tq,ts], on 
a surface. The surface is represented by points and their 
surface normals. The goal is to compute the surface normal 
vector field along the curve. The field is discretized. For that, 
parameter values f;, 1, « t; € tp, 2? — 1,..., Kk, to points on 
this curve are given. The notation for the endpoints remains 
as explained before. The points in the neighbourhood of Py 
and P, are Q;,Q»,... and their normals n;,n»,.... 
To calculate the normal vector field the points 
Po, P1,Q1,Q2,... and their normals are transformed 
into a coordinate system which is solely dependent on these 
points and possibly also on their normals. However, the 
triangulation of these points has to be describable as a graph 
of a bivariate function. For determining the normals in the 
points c(t;) prediction is used. The data to be interpolated 
are: the points on the curve c(t;) and the tangents ¢(t;), the 
points Po, P1, Q1, Q», ... and their normals. The discretized 
normal vector field is formed by the normals of the prediction 
function at c(t;). 
The previous section described how to interpolate surface nor- 
mals, boundary curves and normal vector fields along these 
boundary curves. Now triangular patches have to be con- 
structed for each face of the triangulation interpolating the 
data. The examples given in this section are based on trian- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
gulations of analytical surfaces. 
5.1 £G1 continuity 
Two adjacent patches are joined smoothly if they have the 
same tangent planes along their common boundary curve. In 
this case they are geometrically continuous of first order (G1). 
To maintain locality, the determination of the inner control 
points of adjacent patches shall be independent from each 
other, and just based on the boundary data (curves and nor- 
mals). Continuous normal vector fields can in general not 
be interpolated with Bézier triangles. However, if the field 
is interpolated or approximated at a number of positions, the 
tangent planes of the adjacent patches will not match exactly, 
but it can be expected, that they deviate from each other by a 
small angle only. Therefore this kind of “continuity” is called 
eG1. The deviation of tangent plane fields can be judged in 
two ways: 
1. Comparing two adjacent patches directly: The maxi- 
mum deviation angle shall be y. 
2. Comparing the normal vector field of a patch with 
the given normal vector field: The maximum deviation 
angle shall be T then the first criterion is satisfied as 
The angle y is a user defined quality measure. What needs 
to be done if the y—criterion can not be satisfied, is described 
later on. 
To ensure fast reconstruction and to reduce the amount of 
data, we restricted ourselves to use patches of degree three 
and four. Patches of higher degree also lead to larger systems 
of equations and their shape is more likely to have unpleasing 
areas of high curvature or oscillation. 
5.2 Inner control points and tangent planes 
It is well known and follows immediately from the tangent 
plane construction with the algorithm of de Casteljau that the 
tangent planes of a Bézier triangle along a boundary curve 
depend only on the corresponding boundary control points 
and on the points of the neighbouring row. In the case of a 
Bézier triangle of degree three, there is only one inner point. 
All the tangent planes along the boundary are dependent on 
the choice of this point. In the case of degree four, always a 
pair of two inner control points have influence on the tangent 
plane along a boundary curve. 
The functional dependency between the tangent plane at P 
and the inner points is easily derived. Let P be a point of 
the Bézier curve whose control points are P309, P210, P150, 
Po30; its curve parameter shall be 7. Further, let Q be the 
point with parameter £ on the Bézier curve with control points 
P2o1, Pi11, Poz1. Then q = Q — P is a tangent vector at 
P. With n as normal vector at P, we therefore have 
n'q-m. (6) 
In terms of the unknown inner point P11: and using the Bern- 
stein polynomials for Bézier curves this can be written as 
n-q=n-(Q-P)=0= (7) 
n-((1—t)"Pzoi + 2(1 — t)Pi11 + t*Pon - P), 
21(1 - )n- Pii1 2 n- (P - (1 - £ P391 — t?Poz1). 
Equation 8 is a scalar product and therefore each boundary 
normal to be interpolated introduces one linear scalar equation

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