Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

h algorithm using a 
ie observations. The 
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ıly useful for low 
relative orientation. 
d is partly based on 
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ow, the number of 
; grow dramatically. 
tliers, it is however 
mbinations required 
the case of linear 
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binations but at a 
er of combinations 
a certainty level of 
h, MDL: The 
> observed data are 
sible to model, then 
> modelled data will 
h, DL, of the un- 
t no redundant 
for decoding and 
stimator with robust 
fixed. The different 
stead the different 
t belonging to the 
ed to the parametric 
and not compared 
e DL are constant, 
1e parameters. The 
iputed are: 
model points 
ussian noise 
model points 
er of observations 
sis 2, Le., Ib x = log x. 
ion is called bits. 
1 1996 
R the range of the data 
(approx. the image area) 
£ the resolution of the observations 
Random combinations of points were selected and the 
relative orientation computed with the eight and six points 
algorithms. For each combination, residuals were 
computed for all points. Points with high residuals were 
removed until the DL had reached its minimum. The 
combination giving the lowest DL was selected. 
1500 T 
ovd ETT 
S 000 Tn ul gestu Totam auobe n NL Sigma 
5 ns — — — Model 
= 7504 Outliers 
S Total MDL 
$00 T —JÀ€— Minimum 
250 + 
0 2 A ru EM 
1 2 3 4| 56 7 8 9 10 1] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 
Number of outliers 
fig.1 Illustration of the different parts of the MDL 
For the comparison of the strategies, four data sets were 
generated. Two sets having random translations and 
orientations and two sets having typical aerial image 
translations with 60% overlap, table 2. A Gaussian noise 
was added to the initial simulated measurements and a 
random gross error was added during the estimation 
process, in one point at a time, until a false solution was 
encountered, i.e., to the breakdown point. 
Data Set | Type of Noise level | Type of 
translation errors 
I Random 0.5 %o Large 
II Random 2.5 %o Large 
II Aerial 0.05 %o Large 
IV Aerial 0.05 %o Small 
Table 2 Description of the four data sets 
Each data set consisted of 100 point configurations, ie., 
sets of relative orientation points, and each point 
configuration consisted of 18 point pairs. The gross errors 
were of two kinds, large and small. The large errors were 
at a random position within the image area and the small 
errors within the neighbourhood of the observation. 
The noise level of set I was approximately equivalent to a 
co of 10pum and for set II of approximately 50um for a 
small format camera. The noise level of set III and IV was 
equivalent to a Gp of 5 um for a 23x23 cm aerial image. 
The relative orientations of the point configurations were 
calculated with the four different algorithms. The forth 
algorithm, the 5-point iterative LS algorithm, were only 
applied to set III and IV since the approximate 
translations and rotations were assumed to be small and 
known à priori. 
The results from the calculations are presented in figures, 
showing the number of successful relative orientations for 
the different data sets. A relative orientation was 
classified as successful if the correct number of outliers 
was discovered and did not depend on how close the 
estimated parameters were to a true value. Both errors of 
type I, removing correct observations, and type II, 
omitting to remove erroneous observations, are indicated 
as failures in the histograms. 
5.1 Strategy l: Removing bad observations 
The linear LS algorithm was used together with data 
snooping to remove erroneous observations (fig 2). 
Linear LS solution, Data Snooping 
Number of data sets 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Number of introduced errors 
fig. 2 Removing bad observations, strategy (i), LS linear 
estimate, algoritm 1 
As a comparison, an iterative 5 point LS algorithm was 
applied to the data set of aerial configurations, set III and 
IV (fig 3).The iterative LS solution could not be used on 
set I and II since arbitrary orientations could not be 
handled and approximate values were un-known. 
Iterative LS solution, Data Snooping 
Not applied 
M Not applied 
Number of data sets 
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 
Number of introduced errors 
fig. 3 Removing bad observations, strategy (i), LS 
iterative estimate, algoritm 4 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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