Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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i_line0125 i_line0041 i_line0181 
i_line0132 i_line0048 i_line0188 
i_line0139 i_line0055 i_line0195 
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i_line0167 i_line0083 i_line0223 
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i segment 
Figure 2: Detail of the part-of hierarchy of the specific model 
2.2 Model building 
In the second phase, the scene description obtained after the 
map analysis is combined with the generic model in the image 
domain and the specific model in the image domain is built. 
A detail of this specific model representing building 0235 and 
its parts as far as they are given in the map, is shown in Fig. 2. 
For each node (instance) in the scene description we create a 
new node (concept) in the specific model. This new concept 
is a specialization of the corresponding concept in the generic 
model in the image domain and thus inherits its declarative 
and procedural knowledge. The values of the attributes in 
the scene description after map analysis are stored after a 
transformation as restrictions for the corresponding attributes 
of the newly created concepts. They serve as initial estimates 
for the calculation of the attribute values out of the image 
The relations between the instances in the scene description 
are transfered accordingly into relations between the new con- 
cepts. Whilst the generic model in the image domain de- 
scribes in a general form the representation of an arbitrary 
scene in an aerial image, the specific model in the image do- 
main describes in a detailed manner that part of the world, 
which is subject to the current analysis. The grade of detail 
depends of course from the contents of the map. 
2.3 Image primitives 
Prior to the model based image analysis primitives are ex- 
tracted from the image data. We work with large scale color 
aerial images, which after digitization have a pixel size of 30 
cm x 30 cm on the ground. Line segments and regions serve 
as primitives. The line segments are extracted with a gradi- 
ent based procedure (Quint and Bahr, 1994). The regions 
are gained by segmenting the aerial image using a Bayesian 
homogeneity predicate (Quint and Landes, 1996). 
The regions and the line segments are combined in an at- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
tributed undirected graph. The nodes of the graph are at- 
tributed with the regions. Nodes corresponding to neigh- 
bouring regions are connected with links. A link between two 
nodes is attributed with the line segment(s) which compose 
the border between the corresponding regions. This feature 
graph is the database on which the model based image anal- 
ysis operates. 
2.4 Image analysis 
In the third phase, the specific model in the image domain 
is used to perform the actual image analysis. The aim of 
this phase is to verify in the image the objects found after 
the map analysis and to detect and describe other objects 
of the scene which are not represented in the map. For the 
later, the context gained through the verification of the map 
objects will be helpful. 
The strategy followed in the analysis process is a general, 
problem independent strategy provided by the shell ERNEST. 
The analysis starts by creating a modified concept for the goal 
concept (expansion step). A modified concept is a preliminary 
result and it reflects constraints for the concept that have 
been determinated out of the context of the current analysis 
Following top-down the hierarchy in the semantic network, 
stepwise the concepts on lower hierarchical levels are ex- 
panded until a concept on the lowest level is reached. Since 
this concept does not depend from other concepts, its corre- 
spondence with a primitive in the database can be established 
and its attributes can be calculated. This is called instantia- 
Analysis now moves bottom-up to the concept at the next 
higher hierarchical level. If instances have been found for all 
parts of this concept, the concept itself can be instantiated. 
Otherwise the analysis continues with the next not yet instan- 
tiated concept on a lower level. After an instantiation, the 
acquired knowledge is propagated bottom-up and top-down 
to impose constraints and restrict the search space. Thus, in 
the analysis process top-down and bottom-up processing al- 
ternate. As well, expansion and instantiation alternate during 
the analysis. 
Generally, while performing an instantiation it is possible 
to establish several correspondences between a concept and 
primitives in the data base. However, only one of these cor- 
respondences leads to the correct interpretation. Since it 
usually is not possible to ultimately decide at the lower levels 
which correspondence is correct, all possible correspondences 
have to be accounted for. 
Thus, the image analysis is a search process, which can be 
graphically represented by a tree. Each node of the tree repre- 
sents a state of the analysis process. If in a given state several 
correspondences are possible, the search tree is splitted: for 
each hypothesis a new node as successor of the current node 
is created. 
The analysis process continues with that leaf node of the 
search tree which is considered to be the best according to a 
problem dependent evaluation. It is know that the problem 
of finding an optimal path in a search tree can be solved by 
the A*-algorithm (Nilsson, 1982). Its application is possible 
if one can evaluate the path from the root node to the current 
node and if one can give an estimate for the valuation of the 
path from the current node to the (not yet known) terminal 
node containing the solution. 
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