the expression (1) simplifies to:
The distance d;; decreases when the integral in expression (3)
increases. If the neighbourhood functions are positive func-
tions, the integral in expression (3) takes values between 0
and 1.
We have formulated our search problem using as valuations
of the nodes in the search tree merit functions and not cost
functions. The reason for this is pragmatic: it is more natural
to evaluate the goodness than the badness of a match. Thus,
we will not use the distance as given by expression (3) but
only the integral in expression (3) to define the model fidelity
mi; at the level of line segments:
dij = | _ : | ni(z, y, 1, 0)n; (x, y, l, 0)dx dy dl d0
mi; = mile, u,1,09n;(e,vr1,0)02dy did (4)
This integral equals to the cosinus of the angle between the
two versors n; and n; in the vector space £?(S) and can
be thought of as a correlation measure between these two
The neighbourhood functions are chosen regarding the
physics of the image formation process and some heuris-
tics motivated by experience. We construct the function
ni(z, y, l, 0) as a product of three functions defined on R?, R
and (— 2, 5] respectively:
ni(z, y,l,0) — fi(z, y) gi(l) h;(0).
To define the function f;(z, y) we take advantage of the fact
that the parameters of the camera and the position of the air-
plane at the moment the aerial image was taken are known.
We can determinate the transformation between the image
coordinates and the coordinates in the specific model (map
coordinates) and transform the image primitives into the map
coordinate system. Assuming that the corresponding con-
tours are depicted in the map, there are several error sources
which are responsible for the fact that the line segments ex-
tracted from the image will not overlap with the map con-
tours. These are for example inaccuracies in:
e the extraction of line segments from the image,
e the determination of the transformation parameters,
e the acquisition and digitization of the map data.
Subsuming all these effects, we can safely assume that the
position of the image primitives is normally distributed around
their "true" position as given by the specific model.
For this reason we use as a neighbourhood function f;(z, y)
for the position of the line segments a Gaussian shaped func-
tion. However, since we do not want to evaluate differently
the situations when a short line segment lies in the middle
of its model line or closer to the endpoints, our function is
constant along the length of the line. We choose for the
neighbourhood function f;(xz, y):
x — zi)sin0; — (y — ty |
EY Roi (- (
for positions (z,y) between the endpoints of a line, i.e.
{(z,y) | (x—=z:)cosOi+(y—y;)sinb; > 0 A (z—x;) cos b; +
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
(y — vi) sin 0; < Li}, and fi(x,y) = 0 otherwise. The neigh-
bourhood functions f;(z, y) and f; (x, y) for the constellation
of line segments shown in Fig. 3 are displayed in Fig. 4. The
variance of the Gaussian is chosen equal to the residual mean
square error of the transformation.
For the part of the neighbourhood function, which depends
from the length of the line, we choose a function which ” in-
side” the line is proportional to the square root of the length
and which is 0 "outside":
a) - f if 1 € [0,1]
0 otherwise.
As we will see later, this choice penalizes image primitives in
an amount proportional to the ratio of their length and the
length of the model contour.
The considerations regarding the uncertainty in the position
of line segments applies also for small deviations of the an-
gle. Thus, the neighbourhood function for the angle is cho-
sen following similar reflections. But because the domain of
definition of the angle is an interval and because we want
a stronger penalization of large deviations of the angle, we
use a trigonometric function instead of the Gaussian shaped
hi(0) — Ke cos(0 — 0;).
The constants K;,, Kı and Ks are calculated imposing nor-
malization for each of the partial neighbourhood functions
and we can thus assure the fulfillment of condition (2).
With this choice of neighbourhood functions, the integral for
the model fidelity is separable into three terms: the position
fidelity, the length fidelity and the angle fidelity. The integral
over the product of the neighbourhood functions for the po-
sition, i.e. the position fidelity can generally not be expressed
in a closed form. However, if the angle between the two lines
is small or the parameter c is is in the same order of magni-
tude as the mean geometric distances between the two line
segments then a good approximation is given by:
. ; = Yo
y: fiz, y) f(z, y)dz dy = 1— X
( ( ui sin A0 — À ) ( u2 sin Â0 — A ))
erf | —— | - erf | ————
0 V2 +2cos A0? o V2 4- 2cos A0? (5)
with A8 — 0; —0; and A — —(ri—7j) sin6;-- (yi — yj) cos6;.
The coordinates u; and u» are the coordinates of the start-
and of the endpoint of line I; in a coordinate system uOv
with its origin in the starting point of line /; and with the u-
axis parallel to the line /;. For a situation as shown in Fig. 3,
when after a parallel displacement the perpendicular distance
d between the two lines varies, the position fidelity varies in
function of d as shown in Fig. 5.
The integrals over the neighbourhood functions for the length
and the angle of the line segments can be expressed in closed
form and result to:
1 24.32
| gi(1)g; (Ddl — min(l;, 1j)"
Ry Ll
/ hi(0)h; (8)d0 = cos(0; Y 0;).
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