Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Table 5: Comparison of the spot elevations taken from 
the first and fourth multi-sensor triangulation results. 
Units are in feet. 
Table 6: Comparison of the spot elevations taken from 
the third and fifth multi-sensor triangulation results as 
compared to the GPS controlled stereo models. Units are 
in feet. 
Both conventional triangulations produced more accurate 
results than any of the multi-sensor triangulations. The 
conventional aerial triangulation using the GPS surveyed 
points as the ground control provided the most accurate 
solution from which to compile the topographic maps. 
The RMS error of the control points in this triangulation 
was 0.558, 0.445, and 0.237 feet in X,Y, and Z, 
respectively. But to achieve this level of accuracy 
required 14 control points. We were also able to achieve 
better results in a conventional aerial triangulation using 
control points collected from a USGS 1:24,000 scale 
topographic map sheet. Using 19 ground control points, 
we achieved an RMS error in the control of 17.056, 
20.664, and 14.43 feet in X,Y,and Z, respectively. 
But based on the comparison of the spot elevations 
collected from both the conventional and multi-sensor 
triangulation generated stereo models, we saw that the 
aerial photography can be controlled to support 
topographic mapping within U.S. National Map Accuracy 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Standards. For a 1:24,000 scale map, the National Map 
Accuracy standards for horizontal positioning is 40 feet 
CE 90%, and the height accuracy is 10 feet LE 90% given 
a 20 foot contour. If we attempt to map at a 1:10,000 
scale from the 1:24,000 scale photography, we can still 
attain the horizontal positioning necessary, but the height 
accuracy is outside the standards, assuming a 10 foot 
contour interval. These levels of accuracy were 
attainable using only 5 well distributed ground control 
points within the SPOT stereo model, and just tie points to 
the aerial photographs. 
But in order to attain this level of accuracy the project 
must be set up with the following factors: 
(1) The project must use SPOT stereo pairs, and the 
aerial photographs need to be tied to both SPOT images 
through common tie points. If just a single SPOT image 
is used, or if the photographs are tied to just one of the 
SPOT images the accuracy in Latitude and height are 
degraded significantly. 
(2) The SPOT stereo pair must have a sufficent 
convergence angle between their look angles. At lower 
convergence angles, the solution of the Z component of 
the stereo models is degraded. 
(3) At a minimum, it appears that the block of aerial 
photography needs to be tied to the SPOT imagery around 
the perimeter of the block. This was evident from the 
significant decrease in accuracy when we just tied one 
corner of the block to the SPOT imagery, and the lack of 
any significant change when we just tied the corners of 
the block to the SPOT imagery. The decrease in accuracy 
in Strip 7 also indicates that the accuracy of this approach 
will decrease as the block extends away from the SPOT 
In areas where existing, up-to-date topographic maps of 
suitable scale exist, it would be more cost effective to 
digitize the control from the maps and create the stereo 
models for compilation through a conventional aerial 
triangulation. But in areas where the maps do not exist, or 
are not current, this multi-sensor approach can provide a 
method of creating accurate stereo models for compiling 
small-scale topotgraphic maps. This was just a 
preliminary study. Further study will include applying the 
approach to smaller scale photography, using a more 
accurate control point source, and bridging a larger block 
of photography between two SPOT stereo models.

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