Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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before removing a symbol, we compute the number of 
remaining black pixels it overlaps. If that number still 
exceeds the user threshold, we remove it and add it to a 
list of recognized symbols. Otherwise, the symbol is dis- 
carded. When two symbols match at the same (or close) 
location, this method selects the symbol matching the 
most pixels first. If there are enough remaining pixels (a 
rare case), then the other symbol can also be selected. 
We used a 7000x5000 pixel map for training and for 
adjusting the thresholds. Another map of similar size was 
used for computing the results. It takes around one minute 
to process one symbol in one orientation. Table 1 presents 
results using only the Hausdorff distance. Unfortunately, 
some symbols were missed. Most misses are caused by 
very badly drawn symbols. Most come from regions 
where symbols are hand drawn in very crowded spaces. 
The problem symbols are usually very small and very 
badly written. Such symbols were not present in the train- 
ing map. 
Table 2 shows the recognition results when trained 
neural networks are also used, with a measure of confi- 
dence of 0.85. When the output of the neural network is 
greater than 0.85, the candidate is accepted. This very 
high measure of confidence is better used when the goal is 
to accept only the most probable symbols. Some might be 
missed but no candidates should be accepted by error as is 
reflected by our results. Only the filled circle is not cor- 
rectly recognized. This is due to the fact that the test 
image contains a lot of false positive instances that were 
not present in the training image. For this symbol, more 
training would thus be necessary. 
Table 3 shows the result when using trained neural 
networks with a measure of confidence of ().5, where can- 
didates will be accepted when there is more confidence 
that they are symbols than false positives. Here only a few 
symbols are missed, and only a few false positives remain. 
Table 4 shows the result when using trained neural 
networks with a measure of confidence of 0.15, where 
candidates are accepted when there is no compelling evi- 
dence that the symbol should be rejected. When compar- 
ing to the symbols missed by the Hausdorff distance, 
almost no misses are caused by the neural networks. But 
more false positives are present. For our application, this 
is the best threshold to use, because it is easier for a user 
to remove false positives than to search for missed sym- 
bols. Again, these results confirm that more training is 
necessary for the filled circle. The six extra misses for the 
filled triangle all come from larger triangles not present in 
the training set. Again, more training would fix this prob- 
Figure 1 shows a 1200x400 part of the test map. Fig- 
ure 2 shows the recognition of ellipses in Figure 1, as pro- 
duced by the Hausdorff distance. All of them are recog- 
nized, but one false positive was produced near the lower 
right corner. The false positive is later correctly removed 
by the symbol's neural network. 
As expected, the Hausdorff distance produces a lot of 
false positives. But after neural network filtering, the rec- 
ognition results are acceptable for user corrections. We 
expect even better results when training is performed on 
more than one map (and thresholds are adjusted not to 
miss any symbol) making user corrections simpler. For 
sets of maps that are better drawn, over 98% recognition 
rates have been accomplished. 
For the image shown in Figure 1, we get perfect rec- 
ognition. It contains a lot of different symbols, in different 
orientation and scale, touching and overlapping each 
other. All 83 instances of the 6 symbols shown in the 
tables are correctly recognized in around 30 seconds. 
Our strategy for achieving near perfect recognition is to 
first generate results that have near zero miss and then: 
reduce the (numerous) false positives to an amount that 
can be quickly handled by a human operator. Symbol rec- 
ognition based on Hausdorff distance combined with indi- 
vidually trained neural networks results in accurate 
Our objectives for the near future are as follows. 
First, we would augment the functionality of the system 
with various additions such as facilities for the user to 
specify constraints on the symbols and their surroundings. 
Second, we will study maps for new application areas 
(such as navigation and terrain modeling) for which a 
knowledge-based component of the system will become 
very important since information needs to be inferred by 
the system from the extracted symbol information. 
Finally, we will extend our work to use color images as 
input instead of only black and white ones. 
Table 1: Hausdorff 
Symbol | Correct Miss sd Te 
= |5 0 39 
= | 17 1 34 
RA | 30 2 145 
0) 49 3 129 
d 127 26 241 
ie 29 1 178 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 

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