Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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INS was placed in the nose of the Do 228. Deviations 
between the aeroplane motion and the camera motion 
were expected and the measurement were in the order of 
a few arcminutes. To compensate for this a gyro block was 
mounted directly on the camera base plate. As the attitude 
angles given by the INS do not have the necessary accu- 
racy, an optical fibre gyro system should be used instead 
of the installed INS. 
Supplementary measurements with GCPs, for example, 
are necessary for the precise determination of camera ori- 
entation in the aircraft and of angle offsets. 
During the imaging the following attitude data was 
recorded: The altitude (GPS and Inertial Navigation Sys- 
tem INS of the aircraft), the ground speed (GPS and INS), 
the flight path angle (GPS), yaw, pitch and roll angle (INS), 
and the angular velocity (3 fibre optical gyros). 
The gyro sampling rate was 1 KHz (compared to the INS 
witch had a rate of 100 Hz). The possible measurement 
range is 0 to 400 degree/s and the resolution 50 degree/h. 
The angular are calculated from the velocities by integra- 
tion of the angle velocity. The accuracy of the angles is 
more precise than the IFOV of a sensor pixel. 
The evaluation procedure was explained in [2]. The inte- 
gration of the angular velocity leads to an unavoidable drift 
rate caused by stochastical velocity errors, which was then 
corrected off-line by comparing gyro data and INS data. 
The usual drift rate for 1000 recorded lines is 15 pixel. 
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Figure 1 Image of the WAOSS camera 
Figure 1 shows an image of the WAOSS camera, which 
was recorded during a flight over the city of Berlin. The 
image size is 5184x3000 pixels. The ground pixel size is 
The influence of the aircraft motion is obviously visible in 
the left margin of the image. The three columns on the 
right hand side of the figure show the roll, pitch and yaw 
angular change.The interval for roll angle is [-0.5°,2.4°], for 
the pitch [4.0°,4.4°] and for the yaw [86°,96°]. 
With the knowledge of the attitude parameters a correction 
of the image strip is possible. The algorithm is processed 
in two steps: 
1. Determination of the geometric relations in the object 
space for each CCD-line pixel results from the disturbed 
aeroplane movement 
This task is equivalent to ray-tracing from real position and 
direction into the digital elevation model (DEM). As the 
original DEM is unknown, an ideal DEM is assumed as a 
reference plane at z = z;. 
The following calculation is made for the object-space. 
Geometric relations are as follows: 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Xp ideal 
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Figure 2 Aircraft attitude instabilities 
The intersection point with the surface is 
Xo current camera location 
X; intersection point with reference plane at z, 

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