1d leads to:
oint is equal
the attitude
is the same,
vo corrected
le inspected
rence plane
ected image
n be simply
d and nadir
EM (|
ected image
ditional part
> result (4-2)
Figure 8 Produced DEM
Figure 9 DEM with the corrected nadir image
The use of very precise measuring instruments for the
determination of flight location and position makes possi-
ble an on-line stereo processing of data instead of the
expensive procedures of the conventional photogramme-
try. All iteration procedures can be changed by straightfor-
ward-algorithms. The matching algorithm must be
replaced by an on-line procedure, where a ray tracer with
attitude information gives the start information for related
pixels between different image strips, and a fast correlation
algorithm finds conjugated points. It is necessary to find a
compromise between the accuracy of the information and
the number of calculated points.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Applications for the on-line procedure could be change
detection (after disasters like earthquakes) or map updat-
ing (e.g. for telecommunication).
The Wide-Angle Optoelectronic Stereo Scanner (WAOSS)
built for the Mars-96 orbiter was used on board aero-
planes. Direct and accurate measurement of attitude
parameters (roll, yaw, pitch, ground speed and altitude
variation) gives the parameters of exterior orientation for
each measured CCD-line. The high accuracy of angle
determination is strongly related to stochastic drift. The
future work is focused on the on-line drift correction and
precise determination of angle offset.
Using attitude and camera calibration data CCD-line scan-
ner data can be geometrically corrected. If these image
strips are processed on the same mean flight path, the
correction procedure is equivalent to the conventional inte-
rior and exterior orientation and gives epipolar-like images.
The geometrically corrected images are a necessary pre-
processed data product for further 3-D processing and
allow also a coordinate measurement with a photogram-
metric workstation, for example, and the generation of dig-
ital elevation models (DEM).
The independence from additional GCPs and straightfor-
ward algorithms makes an on-line approach for DEM gen-
eration or DEM improvement on board the aircraft possible
without human action.
[1]D.Oertel, R.Reulke, R.Sandau, M.Scheele, T.Terzibas-
chian, A Flexible Digital Wide-Angle Optoelectronic
Stereo Scanner, International Archives of Photogram-
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