as a function of the distance travelled around the curve [16].
It indicates abrupt changes of direction as breakpoints in the
curve. These breakpoints are indicated as local maxima in the
first-derivative of the ¢(s) function, representing the corners
of the feature outline.
Using the feature descriptor function, features are classified
according to their size, type and number of corners.
The size of a feature is the length of the feature outline in
The feature type broadly classifies a feature into three basic
types, namely ARCS, CIRCLES and POLYGONS. An ARC is
a linked edge chain that has two nodes at spatially separated
endpoints, i.e. an open line feature. A POLYGON is a closed
line feature where the start and end nodes are at the same
point. A CIRCLE is defined as a polygon that has zero corners
and with the ratio between the mean and standard deviation
of the d@(s) plot below a certain level. Ideally, the d¢(s) plot
for a circle should be a horizontal line, but due to the discrete
nature of the input data there is some variation around the
: mean value, which is quantified by the standard deviation.
The number of corners of a feature is calculated from the local
maxima of the d¢(s) plot. Prominent local maxima of the
dó(s) plot indicate a prominent corner, and statistically-based
thresholds are calculated to ensure that only these corners are
The reader is referred to figure 1 for a plot of the LEFT and
RIGHT image features after feature extraction and classifica-
tion. The image features are obtained from a stereo pair of
printed circuit board (PCB) images.
The features have been classified and the results of the clas-
sification can be found in table 1. For ease of comparison
the Feature Classification Table has been arranged so that
matching LEFT and RIGHT images features appear next to
each other with corresponding numbers for ease of interpre-
tation. Throughout this paper examples using LEFT features
labelled L.. and RIGHT features labelled R.. will refer to the
features as labelled in figure 1.
Note that only polygons (P) and circles (C) have been used
in this example. Arcs were very seldomly repeated in the
right image and were thus not used in the feature matching
The results of the feature classification stage are used to find
suitable matching feature candidates during a candidate se-
lection phase. These matching candidates are then matched
using a novel two-stage matching process. In the first step
an ordered "feature correspondence table" is generated. This
table orders the matching probabilities between reference fea-
tures and the matching candidates by calculating the nor-
malized crosscorrelations between the feature signature func-
tions. In this case the d@(s) function was used as feature
signature function, but any suitable signature function could
be applied. During the second step the resultant matching
probabilities are used in conjunction with the feature topology
to verify feature matches. The feature topology is utilized by
forming triangles between the centre-of-mass points of the
reference feature and the centre-of-mass points of its nearest
neighbours in the left (L) image. The matching probabilities
obtained from the first matching step indicate the features
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
L | Type | Size | Corn R | Type | Size | Corn
L6 IP 50 3 R6 | P 48 4
Ig | P 237 4 R8|P 221 4
L10 | P 104 4 RIO | P 102 4
L14 | P 69 3 R14 | P 69 4
Lio | P 283 5 R19 | P 268 6
{21 | P 71 3 R21 | P 73 3
125 | P 94 4 R25 | P 87 4
L29 | P 160 4 R29 | P 157 4
L32 | P 74 3 R32 | P 71 3
E33 |. P 288 4 R33 | P 273 4
L40 | P 113 4 R40 | P 115 4
L46 | P 311 4 R46 | P 303 4
{57 { P 116 4 R57.|P 105 4
L58 | C 60 0 R58 | € 61 0
E62. |.€ 61 0 R62 | C 56 0
L64 | C 53 0 R64 | C 51 0
L65 | € 56 0 R65 | P 67 3
L67 | P 56 4 R67 |.P 50 2
Table 1: Feature Classification Table for matching LEFT and
RIGHT image features
of which the centroids could form the matching triangle in
the candidate image. The existence of a matching triangle
verifies the feature match.
In the following the details of the candidate selection and
subsequent two-stage feature matching is described in more
4.1 Candidate Selection Phase
To distinguish the feature candidates that are suitable for
matching to a specific reference feature the feature attributes
of size, type and number of corners are compared.
A matching candidate has to fulfil the following criteria:
e The feature sizes should differ by no more than ten
e The number of corners should differ by no more than
e The feature types should be the same
Candidates that do not fulfil all of these criteria are immedi-
ately eliminated from the matching scheme. Successful can-
didates now go through the following, two-step procedure:
4.2 Matching d¢(s) Signatures Through Correlation
In the field of signal processing a measure that gives an in-
dication of the similarity between two random signals is the
Correlation function [14] [18]. The d¢(s) plots from differ-
ent images should be similar for the same feature, and the
correlation function can be used to quantify this similarity.
The dó(s) plot is a one-dimensional function representing
the two-dimensional shape of the feature, and the "time"
variable used in this case is "s", the distance travelled along
the feature boundary.
The time-domain correlation function for two discrete func-
tions g[n] and h[n] of length N is defined as:
Bynfn] = 5 7 g[n 4 m]h[m] (1)
and f
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