Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Jsing Match- 
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e right image. 
for line seg- 
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icy, Sub-pixel 
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| described by 
Figure 8: Zoomed Sub-images of Poorly Defined Epipolar 
Line Intersections 
We have presented an image matching scheme that incorpo- 
rates both feature- and area based matching techniques. A 
novel, two-stage feature matching algorithm was presented. 
The two stages of the matching scheme take into account 
firstly the local structure of a feature, and secondly the spa- 
tial relation between a feature and its neighbours. Combining 
these two aspects improves on matching schemes that em- 
ploy only one or the other. We have also shown how feature 
matching can be used to obtain initial estimates to the rel- 
ative orientation, effectively enabling us to subsequently re- 
fine this relative orientation using a combination of feature- 
and area based matching and the resultant epipolar geom- 
etry. This technique makes it possible to carry out a fully 
automated relative orientation without any prior knowledge 
of orientation parameter estimates. 
Improvements can be made to this matching scheme, most 
notably in the handling of ARCs and images with large dis- 
parities. Extending this matching scheme to a multi-photo 
and multi-resolution environment will also help in improving 
the results obtained. 
The authors would like to extend their gratitude to the Foun- 
dation for Research Development (FRD) and the University 
of Cape Town (UCT) for their invaluable support for this 
research. : 
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