Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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ous prob- 
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orvised or 
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he param- 
the result 
| values of 
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respect to 
domain is 
reflected by the training sample and the perfect de- 
cision rule. An implicit distributed representation 
of the objects is used. 
2.2 Artificial Neural Networks 
While most classical statistical pattern recognition 
systems follow the sequential architecture outlined 
in Fig.1, the development of architectures based on 
simple units is one of the main goals of neural net- 
works research activities. As in biological systems 
information about objects or classes is represented 
in a distributed fashion. The basic processing of a 
system is performed by units which adopt models 
of neurons. Although such artificial neurons do not 
provide calculations with high precision their mu- 
tual interaction results in systems of globally high 
performance. À network of neurons establishes an 
ensemble of nonlinear joint processes. Architecture 
deals with the arrangement of neural units and their 
synchronization in the network. As a consequence, 
à system is viewed as a strong interrelationship be- 
tween structure and functionality. Subnets form 
specialized modules. Because of the simple basic 
units, an artificial neural network has a high connec- 
tivity and it provides a massive parallel computing 
Models for neurons are based on the principle of 
synaptic summation. The following processing steps 
are carried out: The input vector x is manipulated 
with respect to a weight vector w giving a scalar 
value s(x, w). Then a bias term is subtracted. The 
third step provides a nonlinear mapping which may 
be enriched by stochastic processes. Hence, the neu- 
ral model can be expressed as a function y(x) de- 
fined by 
y(x) = f(s(x,w) — 6) (11) 
Frequently used combinations for s are the Euk- 
lidian distance or the scalar product of x and w, 
whereas the so called activation function f is real- 
ized by the sign-function, tanh, Fermi, or Gaussian. 
Its argument characterizes the state of the neuron. 
Three major values are distinguished for this state z. 
If z > 0 the neuron is called active, for z = 0 quiet, 
and for z « 0 obstructing. Based on such kinds of 
units an artificial neural network is constructed as a 
directed graph defined by a set of states Z for each 
node and a set of states W providing the weights 
associated with the links between nodes, i.e. neu- 
rons, and a set of input and output variables. The 
state set of a network covering k nodes and k? links 
is represented by 
X-2Z^5xw", (12) 
where one state c — (z, W) € X. The activities are 
denoted by a vector z € Z^ and the weights in a 
2 : 2 Ma 
matri W € W* . According to this connectivity 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
matrix W = [w;;], the basic types of architectures 
can be described 
e complete connected network: wj; # OVi, j 
e isolated neurons: W diagonal matrix 
e weak connected network: w;; # 0 for only a 
few pairs 7, j 
forward connectivity: w;; = 0ifi«j 
small range connectivity: W band matrix 
The processing behavior of neural networks is char- 
acterized by state transitions, i.e. from a state ot 
at time t a new state o**! at time t 4- 1 is achieved. 
Like the states, also the transitions are divided into 
two components. Changes of activities express the 
short term dynamics of the network. For a certain 
neuron ¢ it can be described by 
a1 — fis(z, w) - 6i) (13) 
Long term dynamics refer to changes of weights ac- 
cording to 
t+1 t t .« 
wil ) = wt? + gi (wEP, x La) (14) 
Both types of dynamics are of local character and 
distribute domain knowledge several units. The pa- 
rameters, i.e. the weights and thresholds shall be 
learned automatically based on a training sample. 
Therefore, two a priori decisions are necessary at 
the present state of the art. First of all a unique 
type of model neurons has to be selected. Although 
a few examples of learning the topology for a net- 
work exists, in most cases the number of units and 
their connectivity is also fixed a priori. The train- 
ing phase therefore adjusts the parameters in a sense 
comparable to statistical classifiers. 
A large number of neural network architectures is 
covered by the description above. But it should be 
mentioned, that further types have been developed 
and are in successful use. As a few examples there 
are Hebb networks, Kohonen maps, and associative 
memories. Another type, the so called local linear 
maps will be described in the context of hybrid sys- 
2.3 Knowledge Based Interpretation 
Knowledge based techniques are influencing com- 
puter vision and object recognition approaches for 
nearly two decades. The goal is to generate indi- 
vidual symbolic descriptions of domain entities, i.e. 
objects. Contrarily to classical AI approaches which 
deal with symbol to symbol transformations seman- 
tic models for object recognition are concerned with 
the transformation of numerical data into symbolic 
descriptions. It is not possible to achieve the overall 
goal by optimizing one decision function or by ad- 
justing weights to a given problem, although both 
techniques presented so far are of great importance

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