on Process
h such sys-
ictional or-
' decompo-
‚ed control
ating suit-
respect to
description |
edge Based
e the archi-
sses the hi-
this model.
vledge and
ich can be
, a central-
ies but not
flow. Data
can be im-
ot reflected
that a cer-
yus uniform
arated into
ly, inquiries
at different
ed. Except
edge, types
raints must
pe provides
sults. Each
declarative inferences (intermediate-)results
8 (procedural knowledge) |
concepts data-driven: instantiation | instances E
(terms, objects,
model-driven: propagation of
modified concepts
constraints |
concepts |
; ; ; nt |
attributes data-driven: extraction, combination values |
(numerical, symbolic é s ; 1
features) model-driven: to constrain range of values for attributes |
scoring calculus algorithms values |
conditions data-driven: tests valid / not valid |
(structural ; |
1 udgment
relations) — juce
model-driven: to constrain
range of values for attributes
modified concepts
Figure 6: Knowledge Types for Image Understanding
level n task generation output:
high level
description B
eee C
level i | objects matching symbolic 9
names T
oo. oe ... ... R
level2 | segmentation segmentation segmented ©
i pattern
| level 1 | distortion normalization enhanced pattern
| |
| levelO | pattern recording pattern f(x)
| formation
Figure 5: Hierarchical Processing Model
one can be used in a top-down and bottom-up fash-
ion. Fig. 6 illustrates such knowledge types for im-
age understanding. The basic entities are concepts
modeling objects and events. The models are used
for verification and propagation purposes. Features
are described by attributes, again both directions
of data flow are performed. In a similar way, con-
straints as relationships between concepts and at-
tributes are established. One of the most serious
problems when dealing with noisy uncertain data is
scoring. The efficiency of a system strongly depends
on an adequate scoring calculus. It provides the
hints which transformation should be applied next,
which knowledge should be evaluated, and what in-
termediate results are to be processed.
This depiction of knowledge types forms the basis
for a hybrid knowledge representation system as de-
scribed in the next section. It allows us to handle
the complete interpretation process as state search
and as an optimization problem regarding a certain
scoring calculus. Assuming a knowledge base is con-
structed according to Fig. 6, the optimal interpreta-
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
tion can be characterized by
B'(f(x) — argmazp(g(B,W,f(x)) (15)
where B denotes the implicitly given set of potential
descriptions, Y the knowledge base, and g a scoring
function of the chosen calculus.
3 A Hybrid Representation System
The development of systems for object recognition
and scene interpretation requires the representation
of logical and numerical models. Therefore, cooper-
ation of both knowledge based and statistical /neural
techniques is necessary. Representations based on
the statistical evaluation of a training sample are the
backbone for holistic object recognition based on nu-
merical features. Explicitly represented knowledge
provides the decomposition of objects into parts and
of scenes into objects. Furthermore, it enables the
use of constraints and relationships which describe
the structural properties of a problem domain and
a special task.
A hybrid representation system is described ac-
cording to the basic discussion above. Its archi-
tecture and overall organization of explicit knowl-
edge has been developed regarding the distinction of
knowledge types as outlined in Fig. 6. Within this
paradigm the integration of analogous models like
statistical classifiers and artificial neural networks is
achieved in a very natural way. Whereas the knowl-
edge based components deal with structural prop-
erties, neural networks are concerned with holistic
classification and scoring tasks.
In the next subsection the semantic network lan-
guage ERNEST is described which builds the frame-
work for the hybrid representation system. After-
wards, the hybrid approach is outlined combining
ERNEST and artificial neural networks! (ANNs).
In an analogous way statistical classifiers can be incorpo-
rated. For simplicity, however, we only refer to ANNs in the