l 12mm
l 20mm
l 36mm
— are pro-
oncept on
iated acti-
e detected
xt section.
m in com-
ifferent as-
t the miss-
ric object
is a quan-
ly the best
ose param-
eters by fitting the projection of a three-dimensional
model to two-dimensional features detected in the
image(s). We represent the 3D model information
in the reconstruction level of the hybrid knowledge
base (see Fig. 7).
For each object in the domain, there is one
concept (e.g. RC.3HOLED.BAR) in the knowledge
base where the necessary geometric information
is stored. These concepts are linked by spe-
cialization links to the generic object concept
RC.OBJECT. The same specialization hierarchy ex-
ists in the PE-concrete level. So, direct links con-
nect the 3D object models and the reconstructed
objects to the recognized objects with all their de-
tected image features. While the concept RC_VIEW
collects the reconstructed objects per camera view,
the concept RC_SCENE establishes the connection
between all camera views (e.g. stereo images)
and stands for a 3D representation of the observed
scene. The concept RC_CAM_PARAM is a context-
dependent part of each camera view. This concept
models the external camera parameters and the fo-
cal length. Our method holds for one ore more views
of the scene. All concepts in the reconstruction level
are associated with a numerical model-fitting proce-
dure which minimizes a multi-variate cost functions
measuring all differences between projected model
and detected image features as a function of the ob-
jects’ pose and the camera parameters®. Common
features in the scenes we are dealing with are points
and circles.
5.1 Projection of model points
The projection of a model point is the transforma-
tion of the point x, from model coordinates o to
the camera coordinate system / and the subsequent
projection onto the image plane bj. This can be ex-
pressed in homogeneous coordinates? as
br = Pi (a) = $1 (Tou “Tio : $(z,))
T 0 © 0
Y = f .
= ® Za 9
c(0)c(4) c(0)s(Q) —s(0) tz
s(v)s(0)c(9) — c(V)s(9) s(v)s(0)s(0) t c(v)c(6) s(b)e(0) ty |.
c(v)s(0)c(6) 4 s()s(6) c(y)s(0)s(4) — s(w)e(4) Gi À
0 0
o oé-
Me.) with s(z)=sin(z) and c(x)=cos(z) (16)
® is a function for the transformation from affine
to homogeneous coordinates. The projection of a
model point in a second image plane b, needs one
3The specializations of RC_OBJECT inherit this feature.
‘Homogeneous transformations are denoted by 7 with sub-
scripts indicating destination and source coordinate frame of the
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
additional transformation 7,, from the reference co-
ordinate system which we place in the first camera
coordinate system [ to the second camera coordinate
system r,
Es, =P} (20) = 97" (0. T4: T5:9(z,) (17)
5.2 Projection of model circles
The perspective projection of circles which are pla-
nar figures can be understood as a collineation in
the projective plane IP?. The quadratic form of a
projected model circle is easily computed using four
projected points on the circle and the corresponding
cross ratio (see [26] for further details).
The projection of a model circle to the first and to
the second image plane are denoted by
Tp, == T£ te) == I (Tool t Tio 1 Tv.) (18)
Zp, = Te ota) — D, (Tor “Tri Tio "T. Gro) (19)
I'; is the function realizing the transformation of the
projected model circle in homogeneous coordinates
to the ellipse representation as center point, radii
and orientation. À model circle x, is characterized
by its center point, the radius and a normal vector in
model coordinates o. 'T'he function L', calculates the
four points that are projected and their cross ratio
in homogeneous coordinates. This formulation of
the perspective projection of a model circle allows
us to measure easily the deviation of projected and
detected ellipses comparing five parameters.
5.3 Model-fitting
The pose of an object is well estimated from the im-
age data if the value of the non-linear multi-variate
cost function
Go - S SS (20, = Piola, 0.) qe
i=1 jeB
Cr Dead) 00
is minimal. The cost function C measures the de-
viation of projected model features x,, — these can
be points or circles — from the corresponding image
features. The vector a contains all unknown param-
eters. B is the set of images of a scene. N is the
number of corresponding model and image feature
pairs. Depending on the feature, the vectors Tp,
and zo, contain different representations and the
projection functions Pi. are the respective trans-
formations. K is a covariance matrix which is used
to model the admissible tolerance with respect to
deviation from projected model to detected image