Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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5.1 Height determination of a point 
In height determination for a point with a predetermined 
planimetric position, the search space is one-dlmen- 
sional, defined by the unknown height. This makes the 
search highly efficient. If unknown terrain inclinations are 
also treated, two variables must be added, one for X- 
directional and one for Y-directional inclination. Because 
the inclinations are included only for compensating image 
deformations, even the final step size for these variables 
can be rather coarse. In practice it is rather questionable 
wheather inclinations can be considered at all, because 
the match area is usually small. 
5.2 Matching a point 
With the title 'matching a point! we mean here that a point 
feature is identified in one image (by human or by 
algorithm) whereafter the homologous points must be 
found from the other images. The task is only slightly 
different from the previous one: instead of moving 
vertically, we now move along the ray determined by the 
image point on the reference image. The search is as 
efficient as in the previous task. The technique resembles 
the geometrically constrained multiphoto matching by 
Grün and Baltsavias (1988). The crucial difference is that 
the final least squares matching for subpixel accuracy is 
made by search without forming linearized observation 
5.3 Matching a point when orientation is 
We have assumed throughout this paper that the 
orientation parameters are known for each image so that 
epipolar search can be used. This assumption is not 
strictly valid for example in digital aerial triangulation, 
especially in its early stages when external orientation is 
known only approximately. For this purpose our search 
method must be extended so that in each state of the 
main search a subsearch is made to compensate the 
imprecise epipolar condition. The subsearch is made for 
each image in two dimensions. The dimensionality of the 
search space for this subsearch is 2/, thus making it 
computationally rather demanding. Careful design is 
necessary for making a well-balanced choice of the 
search ranges and step sizes. 
5.4 Template matching of a point 
Matching a point feature to a template is a necessary 
operation in digital aerial triangulation using signalized 
control points. This can be accomplished either 
simultaneously or in two phases so that the images are 
first matched mutually and thereafter the resulting 
groundel image' with a known template. Based on the 
good results with a resembling method by Lammi (1994), 
the two-phase approach is favored here. It is likely to be 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
more robust because the mutual matching of the images 
is not disturbed by the template matching. For cross 
targets the matching between the groundel image and a 
template image can also be made with least squares 
matching by search in three dimensions (two 
translocations and a rotation in 90? range). For point 
symmetric targets the search space is obviously two- 
5.5 Matching a line 
When a line feature has been identified in one of the 
images, it can be matched from the other images by 
keeping the Z -coordinates of the end points of the line as 
unknown, thus creating a two-dimensional search space. 
The end points move along the rays as described in 
Section 5.2. The set of groundels to be matched is now 
defined by a narrow linear band. The optimizition criterion 
must be modified slightly so that root mean square error 
(RMSE) is used. This is necessary for comptensating the 
virtually varying number of groundels involved. For 
matching polylines the method can be applied 
sequentially so that the search for one line section is 
made only with the next vertex, the height of the previous 
vertex being already determined. 
5.6 Matching a planar surface 
When a planar surface is delineated by a quadrangle or 
any polygon in one image, the search for match can be 
made in three dimensions as in Section 5.2, the vertical 
translocation and the inclinations of a plane being the 
unknowns. The XY -position of each vertex is determined 
by spatial intersection with respect to this plane. The set 
of groundels to be matched is now defined by the planar 
surface projected to this place. For some applications it 
may be useful to extend this region slightly by buffering, 
to guarantee that texture on the edges support the 
matching procedure. 
Until now the search method has been implemented for 
line features (Lammi,1996). The results are as expected. 
For well-defined lines the method works well but in low 
contrast areas we have encounter typical problems of an 
area-based matching. The earlier experiences with two- 
image cross-correlation on supersampled images 
(Lammi, 1994) let us assume that the method should work 
very well for point matching. The theoretical similarity of 
cross-correlation and least squares matching has been 
emphasized by Helava (1976). 
Least squares matching by search has the advantage 
that the pull-in range is totally controlled by the case- 
specific range settings for the unknown variables. Overly 
wide ranges will, of coarse, increase the computing time.

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