Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

the proven concept of matching two image patches at 
the same time. In that case, all possible pairs are 
matched, perhaps even forth and back as a control 
(see, e.g. Fritsch, 1995). This approach has several 
disadvantages. Fore one, the pairs are not indepen- 
dent from each other. Moreover, it may happen that 
the sequential matching procedure comes to an early 
end, leaving some alternatives unexplored. 
The information content in every image patch can 
only be fully exploited if all patches are simulta- 
neously.  Agouris presents a rigorous solution in 
(Agouris, 1992) that eliminates the problems of se- 
quential approaches. A different approach is proposed 
in (Krupnik, 1994; Schenk et al, 1996). Here, the 
matching is performed in object space. The exte- 
rior orientation, the topography of the surface patch 
and its gray levels are the parameters to be deter- 
mined. Matching in object space has been proposed 
by other researchers (see, e.g., Ebner et al., Wrobel, 
1987; Heipke, 1990). Fórstner (1995), elaborates on 
the differences between these approaches. All these 
methods use gray levels as matching entities and the 
matching method is LSM. Tsingas solves the multiple 
image matching problem in a different fashion (Tsin- 
gas, 1994). Instead of gray levels interest points are 
used as matching entities and the matching method 
is based on graphs. 
5.3 Work Flow 
We identified several problems automatic aerial tri- 
angulation systems must solve in order to deserve the 
predicate “automatic.” There is considerable flexibil- 
ity in the solutions, resulting in different levels of com- 
fort and performance. 
selection of tie points 
initial assumptions 
approximations for 
MIM windows 
multiple image matching 
determine approximations 
for EXOR and DEM 
1 Y 
| final block adjustment 
determine footprints 
(Girl dns 
Figure 5: Workflow of automatic aerial triangulation 
The workflow in Fig. 5 is a schematic diagram that 
depicts the major steps an automatic aerial triangula- 
tion system must take. A real system may omit some 
of the steps or follow a different sequence. At any rate, 
every system begins with some initial assumptions. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
This may involve the topography of the project area 
(e.g., flat), the availability of exterior orientation ele- 
ments (e.g., GPS/INS system, flight index map), the 
block geometry (e.g., overlap configuration, informa- 
tion about cross-flights, holes, delineation of special 
areas, such as lakes). Furthermore, it is also assumed 
that the interior orientation is known, the imagery is 
controlled and perhaps radiometrically preprocessed. 
For the immediate future it must be assumed that the 
control points will be measured by a human operator. 
Despite encouraging experiments (see, e.g., Gülch, 
1995), there is little hope that automatic methods 
would soon cope with recognizing the diverse shapes 
of targets in noisy images to an acceptable level of 
confidence and reliability. One should also bear in 
mind that with the increasing use of airborne GPS 
fewer control points are required. A final remark to 
when the control points must be measured: it is con- 
ceivable to perform all steps, including the block ad- 
justment, without control points. Thus, they can be 
measured and added to the process at any time. 
As argued in 5.2.1 fairly accurate locations of the 
footprints must be known so that tie points can be 
selected in highly overlapping areas. For this purpose 
good approximations of the exterior orientation pa- 
rameters and of the surface are essential. As a rough 
estimate the exterior orientation should be known to 
1-2 mm in image scale. This implies an angular ac- 
curacy of about half a degree. For a photo scale of 
1:10,000 the positional accuracy amounts to 10 m. 
Quite often the orientation parameters are not so ac- 
curately known at the outset and they must be de- 
termined, for example, by a block adjustment with 
coarse measurements (see, e.g., Schenk, 1995). But 
even the most precise exterior orientation parameters 
do not render accurate footprints if the surface is not 
known. In fact, the surface must be known quite well, 
otherwise the footprints will be wrong. Moreover, the 
prediction of conjugate matching locations is inac- 
curate, perhaps causing the matching procedure to 
fail (outside pull-in range). In conclusion, the surface 
should be known to approximately 3 mm. 
The selection of tie points should follow the criteria 
sketched in Section 5.1.2. Incidentally, the reader is 
reminded that the well-known term “tie point” should 
not be taken too literally here: it reflects a concept 
that includes features, such as interest points, edges, 
and regions. Most automatic aerial triangulation sys- 
tems work with a regular pattern, say, the classical 
9 point locations, and determine a point cluster in 
these locations (see, e.g., Ackermann, 1995; Tsingas, 
1992). However, it must be stressed that these loca- 
tions must be determined from precise overlap config- 
urations, surface and exterior orientation. Some ap- 
proaches take a shortcut and assume rather flat sur- 
faces and orientation data from GPS/INS systems. 
Another important request for tie points may come 
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