Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

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Beckschäfer, M., 1995. Digitale Photogrammetrie im 
Einsatz. Proceedings Photogrammetric Week '95, pp. 
243-251. Wichmann Verlag. 
Cho, W., 1995. Relational Matching for Automatic 
Orientation. PhD Dissertation, Deptm. of Geodetic 
Science, OSU, Columbus, Ohio. 
Ebner, H., W. Kornus and T. Ohlhof, 1994. A simu- 
lation study on point determination for the MOMS - 
02/D2 Space project using an extended functional 
model. GIS, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 11-16. 
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1987. Integration von Bildzuordnung und Objek- 
trekonstruktion innerhalb der digitalen Photogram- 
metrie. BuL (55), 5, pp. 194-203. 
Fórstner, W., 1995. Matching Strategies for Point 
Transfer. Proceedings Photogrammetric Week ’95, 
pp. 173-183. Wichmann Verlag. 
Fritsch, D., 1995. Introduction into Digital Aerotri- 
angulation. Proceedings Photogrammetric Week 795, 
pp. 165-171. Wichmann Verlag. 
Fritsch, D., V. Tsingas and W. Schneider, 1994. Von 
der Blockausgleichung zur automatischen Aerotrian- 
gulation. ZPF, 62, pp. 214-223. 
Gülch, E., 1995. Automatic Control Point Measure- 
ment. Proceedings Photogrammetric Week '95, pp. 
185-196. Wichmann Verlag. 
Haumann, D., 1995. Practical Experience with Digi- 
tal Aerotriangulation. Proc. Photogrammetric Week 
'95, pp. 235-241. Wichmann Verlag. 
Heipke, C, 1990. Integration von digitaler Bildzuord- 
nung, Punktbestimmung, Oberflichenrekonstruktion 
und Orthoprojektion in der digitalen Photogramme- 
try. DGK, Reihe C, No. 366. 
Krupnik, A., 1994. Multiple-Patch Matching in the 
Object Space for Aerotriangulation. PhD Disserta- 
tion, Deptm. of Geodetic Science, OSU, Columbus, 
Krzystek, P., T. Heuchel, U. Hirt and F. Petran, 1995. 
A New Concept for Automatic Digital Aerial Triangu- 
lation. Proceedings Photogrammetric Week ’95, pp. 
215-223. Wichmann Verlag. 
Mayr, W., 1995. Aspects of Automatic Aerotriangu- 
lation. Proceedings Photogrammetric Week 95, pp. 
225-234. Wichmann Verlag. 
Schenk, T. and A. Krupnik, 1996. Ein Verfahren 
zur Hierarchischen Mehrfachbildzuordnung im Objek- 
traum. ZPF 64, pp. 2-11. 
Schenk, T., 1995. Zur Automatischen Aerotriangula- 
tion. ZPF 63, pp. 137-144. 
Schenk, T. and C. Toth, 1991. Reconstructing visible 
surfaces. SPIE Vol. 1526, pp. 78-89. 
Tang, L. and C. Heipke, 1994. An Approach for Auto- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
matic Relative Orientation. Proc. Optical 3-D Mea- 
surement Techniques II, pp. 347-354. Wichmann 
Tsingas, V., 1995. Operational Use and Empirical 
Results of Automatic Aerial Triangulation. Proceed- 
ings Photogrammetric Week '95, pp. 207-214. Wich- 
mann Verlag. 
Tsingas, V., 1994. A graph-theoretical approach 
for multiple feature matching and its application 
on digital point transfer. International Archives of 
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington, 
D.C., Vol. 30, Part 3/2, pp. 865-869. 
Wrobel, B., 1987. Digitale Bildzuordnung durch 
Facetten mit Hilfe von Objektraummodellen, BuL 55, 
pp.. 93-101. 

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