Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Verification of GIS data means to find the parts of the data which 
have not changed. One way is to compare the results of an auto- 
matic road finder with the given data. But this is disadvantageous 
because the given data is not used to guide the road extraction and 
the matching is computationally expensive. A way to check the 
data which avoids this is to compare the data "directly" with the 
image data. This has the following advantages: The area to be 
investigated is known; there is highly reliable information about 
the spatial position and, what is more, about the topology of the 
roads because most of the roads normally are unchanged. Using 
this information, it is possible to close gaps if they are enclosed 
by verified sections. By and large, there is a good chance to verify 
roads using a simple model. This section presents an approach 
for the verification of GIS data using high resolution image data 
(pixel size 10—50 cm) and simulated GIS data representing the 
axes of the roads. 
2.1 Model and Fundamental Idea 
The proposed approach is based on a simple model which com- 
prises two fundamental assumptions about the appearance of roads 
in aerial imagery: (1) Roads have mostly straight and parallel 
roadsides. This means that if a road in the image corresponds 
to an axis of the GIS data both roadsides will be approximately 
parallel to the axis. (2) Roadsides correspond to strong edges in 
the image and the gray values along a road axis are expected to 
be more or less constant. 
The fundamental idea of the approach is that both roadsides 
are close to an axis if the GIS data corresponds to a road in the 
image. Therefore, the first step consists in searching for the two 
strongest edges at both sides of the axis. This is done with loose 
constraints. For that reason some edges which are no roadsides 
will be detected. If the axis corresponds to the road the number 
of these false detections will be relatively small, otherwise many 
randomly distributed edges which are no roadsides will be found. 
The decision whether the axis corresponds to the road in the 
image is made in the second step using the following criteria: 
Straightness, parallelism of the extracted edges, and homogeneity 
of the gray values within the expected road. 
2.2 Verification procedure 
2.2.1 Edge Detection To find the two strongest edges a gradi- 
ent image using the modified Deriche edge operator (Lanser and 
Eckstein, 1992) is computed. This operator yields good detection 
quality, accurate location, few multiple responses, and isotropic 
response. Along each axis points with constant distance to each 
other are calculated. At these points relatively wide, symmet- 
ric profiles are taken from the gradient image perpendicular to the 
axis similar to (McKeown Jr. and Denlinger, 1988). The positions 
of the two strongest edges within each profile are determined. The 
only constraint on the position of the two edge points within the 
profile is a minimum distance to each other. In Figure 1a) the 
detected edge points are shown as black points superimposed on 
the test image (cf. Fig. 3 for the corresponding GIS axes). There 
are a lot of outliers due to disturbances near the road. 
2.2.2 Width Estimation Because of the outliers in the edge 
detection it is important to estimate the actual width of the road. 
The center of the two edges and the distance of the center to the 
old axis is calculated for each profile. If this distance is less than 
a certain threshold (depending on the given level of accuracy), 
the two edge points are labeled as roadsides. The longest sections 
where the edge points are labeled as roadsides are computed using 
the imperfect sequence detector (ISD) described by (Aviad and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Carnine Jr, 1988). For these sections the mean road width is 
estimated. After adapting the width of the profiles to the road 
width, the search for the two strongest edges is repeated for each 
profile. By this means, disturbing edges further away from the 
road are eliminated. In Figure 1b) the result after the estimation 
of the road width is shown. The benefits of this step can be seen 
especially at the curved road in the upper part of the image. In 
Figure 1a) (before the estimation of the road width) the edge points 
are widely spread, while in Figure 1b) (after the estimation of the 
road width) most of the edge points correspond to roadsides. 
2.2.3 Evaluation of the GIS Axes Two kinds of errors can 
occur when labeling edge pairs: An error of the first kind is 
committed if an edge pair is labeled as not corresponding to the 
roadsides, although both edge points correspond to them. An 
error of the second kind is committed if the edge pair is labeled 
as corresponding to the roadsides although this is not the case. 
These errors cannot be detected for each edge pair individually. 
Therefore, the continuity of extracted edge points is checked along 
the direction of the axis. 
A frequent reason for an error of the first kind is a slightly 
inaccurate position of the axis. This leads to a constant bias of the 
GIS axis and the center point of both edges. Therefore, the edge 
pair will be labeled as not corresponding to the roadsides. This 
error typically occurs for many successive edge pairs. To detect 
this kind of error, the string of centers is checked for straightness 
along the GIS axis. Each point and its two neighboring points 
are connected by two vectors. The criteria for "straightness" are 
that the angle between the two vectors, as well as the difference 
between the mean direction of the two vectors and the direction 
of the GIS axis are small. First, all center points are labeled 
individually. Then itis checked if a gap in the string of edge points 
preliminary labeled as roadsides can be closed by a continuous 
string of center points labeled as straight. If this is the case, the 
corresponding edge points are labeled as roadsides as well. 
The errors of the second kind are detected by checking all edge 
pairs which are labeled as roadsides. This is based on measures for 
straightness, parallelism, and homogeneity. Typically roadsides 
are straight. Therefore, all edge points which are colinear with 
their neighbors are assumed to be faultless, all others to be faulty. 
A measure is computed for each roadside separately. To check the 
edges for parallelism the direction of the edge points is taken from 
the direction image calculated with the Deriche edge operator as 
well. A measure for parallelism of the two edge points within 
each profile is derived by comparing their directions. It is not 
advisable to assume homogeneity of the gray values for the whole 
road as there are too many disturbances, like cars or shadows. 
However, a great part of the road is homogeneous. What is 
more, an area depicting no road will often be distinguished by 
inhomogeneous gray values. The gray values of the center points 
are accumulated into a coarse histogram. A homogeneity measure 
is derived by an investigation of this histogram. The highest 
relative frequency will mostly be higher for roads than for other 
areas. Furthermore, the number of histogram sections with more 
than a certain frequency will be less for roads. 
Finally all derived measures are combined to decide whether 
an GIS axis can be verified or not. 
2.2.4 Handling of Inaccurate Axes At some places GIS axes 
don’t coincide accurately with the road axes in the image. Some 
parts of a GIS axis lie within the road, whereas other parts do 
not. Typically, there is a skip in the position of the edge points 
at the intersection of the GIS axis with the roadside. The edge 
which is intersected by the axis will be detected continuously, 
whereas the corresponding roadside will only be detected if the 
axis lies between the two roadsides (cf. Fig. 2). A good hint for 
this situation 
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