4.2 Definition of the search space
It makes sense to adapt the search space for the fiducial marks
in the i-th pyramid level to the quality of the localization on
the previous 7 + 1-th pyramid level. We use the co of the
transformation estimation between pixel and plate system as
a quality measure and the result of the consistency check to
define the search space. On the highest level (1 = imac), if
there are no approximate values available, the search space
is set to a multiple of the size of the fiducial template M(?.
The search space A(? at the i-th pyramid level is defined as:
(i) M® 4 Vig opt Dj e hus j
AY = (i) (i+1) ; (1)
MUI os otherwise
where f is set to 3, which corresponds to a 99.7% confidence
The consistency check (ref. 4.5) may not be solvable, if all
the found positions are inconsistent. This indicates that at
least 5096 of the fiducials are not correctly located. In this
case the search space is opened again to a multiple of the size
of the fiducial template. Thus a very efficient definition of the
search space is possible. If the quality of the localization on
the previous level is high, the search space is small, normally
only about 30 by 30 pixels.
4.3 Binarization
Corresponding to the fiducial marks i.e. in a positive im-
age where the fiducials are black, the binarization divides the
image in dark and homogeneous versus non-dark and inho-
mogeneous areas. The binary image B is derived from:
i ] : I1<T : (VI € T2
B(z,y) = { 0 otherwise
with the absolute value of the squared gradient of the image
: 2 2
IVI 5 = Bosna] + Mas) — Ianue]
The thresholds for the binarization are adaptively derived
from the corresponding subsections of the image. Ti is
found using a histogram analysis and T? can be derived us-
ing an estimation of the noise variance o, [BRUGELMANN,
FORSTNER]. From the expectation value E(||VI||?) = 407
To = 9° (40) — 36 o2 can be found.
Figure 3: Subsection of an Figure 4: Binarization using
image with fiducial mark only T; — 8 [gr]
Figures 3 to 6 demonstrate the efficiency of using both crite-
ria for the binarization. The over- and under-segmentation in
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 respectively show how sensitive the bina-
rization is if only the grey level is used. The thresholds only
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
Figure 5: Binarization using Figure 6: Binarization using
only Tı = 12 [gr] T, = 20 [gr] and T2 = 5 [gr”]
differ in 4 gray levels. Whereas Fig. 6 shows a clear seg-
mentation when both criteria are used, independent of small
changes in the thresholds.
4.4 Binary correlation
The cross correlation [HARALICK/SHAPIRO 1993], following
called grey level correlation, is based on the following model:
Two corresponding images only differ
1. In geometry by a simple translation T'(u, v), and
2. In radiometry by a linear transformation in contrast
and brightness.
As the binary correlation only deals with binary images, only
point one is valid here.
Using a binary correlation to locate a fiducial mark, the tem-
plate £ is translated by T(u,v). A first estimation for the
position P(gj(&, 0) of the template in the image b can be
found by:
MAL (vv) Pot > (4,9)? (4)
ove (u,v
pyu(u,v) , xn (5)
oun) = zz |[#6n) EF] ©
ou) = #5 wj)-Æ (7)
« - sp-EZ (8)
where m. is the number of pixels in the template £, 3b and
#t the sum of all black pixels in the corresponding area of b
and the template £ respectively. #(b Nt) is the size of the
intersection of all the black pixels in b and ¢.
The estimated position P(j(à, 9) is integer valued, with a
rounding error of 1/3 of a pixel. A sub-pixel estimation can be
achieved by approximating the surface of the two dimensional
correlation function ps; by a second order polynomial in a
neighborhood of P(g(à,0$). The final sub-pixel position is
defined as the local maximum of the second order polynomial
which leads to
A T n -1
(à, à) = (BD = [Hp ka] Vp l(à,6)(0) (9)
with the Hesse matrix H and the gradient V von p(u, v)
Puu Puv
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