Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

arization using 
id T5 — 5 [gr?] 
vs a clear seg- 
indent of small 
993], following 
llowing model: 
4, V), and 
on in contrast 
'y images, only 
mark, the tem- 
mation for the 
nage b can be 
late t, #b and 
ding area of b 
the size of the 
valued, with a 
imation can be 
NO dimensional 
olynomial in a 
ixel position is 
der polynomial 
| l(à,6)(0) (9) 
von p(u, v) 
û,0)(0) (10) 
nes Pu 
Vo laa ism ( po ) l(à,6)(0) 
The accuracy of this estimation is given by the covariance 
; ù l = Pot 2] à ! 
B mec e AER el ae" s (1 
»( $ ) m Pht [ p lay] T (11) 
m is the number of pixels of the template t, 
put — IS the similarity of the image and the template 
at (à, 0), 
Hp  isthe roughness of the texture of the signal 
(ref. equ. (10)) and 
Az the size of a pixel assumed to be identical 
in row and column. 
The sub-pixel and the accuracy estimation are only based on 
the analysis of the correlation function, and can therefore be 
used for the binary as well as for the grey level correlation. 
4.5 Consistency check 
The result of the individual localizations on each pyramid level 
is checked using a consensus criterion to detect outliers and, 
if necessary, to predict a more likely position for the outliers. 
The outlier detection is similar to the RANSAC technique pro- 
posed by [BOLLES R. C. / FISHLER M. A. 81]. With a min- 
imal set of observations a similarity transformation between 
pixel and plate system is estimated. This transformation is 
used to check the remaining observations based on remaining 
errors. In contrast to the RANSAC we do a complete search 
for the 'best solution' because the number of observations 
is small. The best solution is defined as the transformation 
having the smallest remaining errors. This transformation is 
used to detect outliers and eventually to predict a more likely 
position for the fiducial mark in the image. 
It is important for each automatic system to be able to make 
a selfdecision on the acceptability of the result. Automation 
needs predictable results. 
The principle of Traffic Light Programs proposed by 
FORSTNER 1994 classifies the result in three different states: 
red: The system was not able to solve the problem, or the 
found solution has been classified as incorrect. The 
system gives reasons for the failing. 
yellow: The correctness of the solution is doubtful, the sys- 
tem gives a warning including a certainty of the correct- 
ness and a diagnosis of possibly correct and incorrect 
green: The found solution is verified as being correct. 
For the control of the traffic light an objective quality control 
measure is necessary. The next section introduces the control 
measure we use to classify the result in these three stages. 
5.1 Sensitivity Analysis 
Gross errors can hide behind small residuals or excellent fitting 
of data and model, therefore they do not necessarily produce 
large variances in the estimated parameters. Consequently, 
an additional sensitivity analysis for self diagnosis is used, to 
classify the result. 
The task has not been solved.!!! 
The reasons might be : 
The task may have been solved. 
The certainty is: 
Possibly correct parts: 
Possibly incorrect parts: 
The task has been solved. 
The result is: 
The quality of theresultis: — 
Figure 7: The principle of Traffic Light Programs 
The concept of sensitivity analysis developed by Baarda 
[BAARDA W. 67 ,68] is based on the measures for the inter- 
nal and external reliability. The elementary theory has been 
expanded and specified for our purpose [cf. FORSTNER W. 
83, 92 ]. 
Here the sensitivity analysis is used to investigate the 
influence of the observed position of each fiducial or each 
combination of two fiducials onto the estimated transfor- 
mation parameters. A single fiducial is represented by two 
coordinates, a combination of two fiducials is represented by 
four coordinates. Therefore the sensitivity analysis is applied 
to groups of observations. The sensitivity measures are as 
The empirical sensitivity 
é T Lu: (12) 
(internal reliability according to Baarda) measures the max- 
imum influence of the observation group i to the estimated 
parameters. |f this group is omitted an arbitary function 
f = a” - y with variance c; = a" Dyya of the estimated 
parameters y does not change more than 
Vif x ó; gf (13) 
The theoretical sensitivity 
Óio — do + pi (14) 
(external reliability according to Baarda) gives the maximum 
influence of undetected errors in observation group à onto the 
estimated parameters. The influence of an undetected error 
in the observation group 4 is bounded by 
Voif sS doi “Of (15) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996

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