Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

(with a certain 
be verified. If 
] to these non- 
symbolic level 
cessing general 
out the topo- 
s system must 
dge. Different 
own like pred- 
ics or semantic 
à schemes con- 
and modelling 
and the actual 
EST (Erlanger 
is work ((NIE- 
ge: declarative 
vledge consists 
ledge contains 
ncepts as well 
cial algorithm, 
fig. 11). 
image arca 
jt the scene to 
t step two SN 
ut the database 
generic models 
d on a compar- 
ural knowledge 
ge still present. 
itabase domain 
e model. This 
nsformed to the 
image domain. Combining it with the generic model 'image' 
automatically a specialized SN for analysis of the scene is 
created. Now the image analysis based on this model (spe- 
cialized to the actual scene) is carried out (instantiation). A 
description of the scene in image domain together with the 
specialized model for the processing of the concerning scene 
will be the result of image analysis. Verification and classifica- 
tion is not the comparison of two processes executed parallel, 
but the result of the more error-tolerant analysis procedure 
(database analysis). 
4.2 Data Analysis 
The main topic of analysis process will be the verification and 
classification of image segments (procedural knowledge pro- 
cessing). To achieve the above mentioned structured storage 
of data the symbolic image information was introduced to a 
SN. An overview of the SN 'image' is shown in fig. 12, where 
the different components of the SN can be seen. Beside of 
this image information — declarative knowledge realized by 
concepts and links — also the results of feature extraction 
(additional procedural knowledge) have to be introduced in 
the SN to enable a successful verification of all image objects 
based on the 'learned' information. 
This analysis is realized inside the SN by creation of suitable 
valuation- and analysis-functions. The procedural knowledge 
for analysis of the generic models consists of functions for 
determination of attributes and parameters of concepts as 
well as for valuation of the achieved attributes, of the links 
and the structure relations, where the database (DLM200) 
acts as an additional information. This functions are different 
for the database and image domain (resp. for the diverse 
objects). Therefore, they are determined process-specific. 
= | Wasser ] 
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zer meme 
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Ss __uenstliach 
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d. Strasse 
Ueber bau tt 
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Mo ox 
Natuex lich 
Str u oc bs tt 
Versiegel © 
Weiner oo 
[9] SPEZ 
Figure 12: Overview (components) of SN model ’image’ 
Fig. 13 shows the description graph of the SN 'image'. The 
connections can be recognized by the the diverse links. On 
the lowest level the SN is conected to the concrete data, 
which are stored as segment polygons. 
(1,0) ; kuenstlich 
(0,0) ÿ |S_natuerlich 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Figure 13: Description graph of SN 'image' 
First experiences with an extented feature base and a spe- 
cial segmentation confirm the efficiency of this concept by 
achieving a better separability of object classes. The system- 
atic structuring of knowledge in semantic networks is a basic 
precondition for this integrated Knowledge processing. But 
the creation of concrete SN has proved to be a very com- 
plex and time consuming task. Therefore, specific software 
has to be developed for automation of this procedure. In the 
next phase of realizing our concept of semantic modelling the 
determination of suitable valuation functions in the decision 
process and the treatment of uncertainty will be the most 
important aspect. 
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Signal Processing, 3, 1993, S. 111-145 
H. Niemann, G. Sagerer, S. Schróder: ERNEST: A semantic 
network system for pattern understanding. IEEE Trans- 
actions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 
12, 1990, S. 257-269 
T. Voegtle, K.-J. Schilling: Wissensbasierte Extraktion 
von Siedlungsbereichen in der Satellitenbildanalyse. 
Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, 
Heft 5/95, 63. Jahrgang, Sept. 1995, Wichmann Verlag, 
K.-J. Schilling, T. Voegtle, P. MüBig: Knowledge based anal- 
ysis of satellite images. ISPRS Comm. Ill Symposium: 
Spatial Information from Digital Photogrammetry and 
Computer Vision, Munich, 5.-9. Sept. 1994, Proceed- 
ings p.732-736 

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