Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

2.6 Thomas Löcherbach 
This work presents a method which adjusts prior GIS- 
information to given image data. In an adjustment process, 
the GIS-data is fit to the edges extracted from the images. 
The aim is the reconstruction of the geometry of land-use 
parcels and their classification. 
Data Source: Multispectral image and GIS-information 
(field boundaries) 
Object Model: The object model contains 3D polygons, 
representing the geometry of the land-use units. The radio- 
metric part consists of one feature vector per object, e.g. the 
field mean, within-field variance, or a field histogram. 
. The geometry of the image model is represented by a 2D 
polygon network. The radiometric part contains the assump- 
tion of homogeneous features within a given object and a fea- 
ture edge model describing the transition between two neigh- 
boring fields along the land-use boundary. 
The observations of the adjustment process are the intensity 
values of the images and the map coordinates as prior in- 
formation. The correct object coordinates, the transformation 
between image and object space, and the feature vectors per 
fields are derived in an estimation procedure. 
Prior Knowledge: The GIS-data is used as prior informa- 
Strategy: Aim of the procedure is the estimation of the ge- 
ometry of the land-use parcels. A field is assumed to be a 
homogeneous area. To set up the observation equations the 
transition of the feature of one field to the feature of the neigh- 
bouring field is modelled. Therefore the image is partitioned 
into regions along each boundary. From the pixels within one 
region along a boundary the position of the boundary and 
the features of the areas on both sides of the edge may be 
estimated. If fields are large compared to the pixel size, the 
pixels in the center of the field may be used to estimate the 
radiometry, not the geometry of the boundaries. The proce- 
dure is an iterative process, where each iteration step results 
in a new boundary position. 
Differences between map and image may have several rea- 
sons: they may be shifted to some degree, there might be 
additional boundaries in the map which do not exist (or are 
not visible) in the image, or there are boundaries which are 
not contained in the map. The procedure aims at a recon- 
struction of the elements in the map, thus the 3rd case is 
not treated here. Detailed information on the method can be 
found in [Lócherbach 1994] 
Results: The experiments reveal that the shifts between 
the data sets can be adapted very well (conf. Figure 5, up- 
per). If, however, large displacements occur, further mod- 
elling would be necessary, e.g. to impose constraints con- 
cerning the parallelism of paths (conf. Figure 5, lower). 
Figure 5: Initial maps (left) and corresponding estimated 
maps (right) superimposed on original image 
3 Evaluation 
Since most of the participants concentrated on the data set 
flat only these results will be presented and compared in de- 
tail. The evaluation bases on a reference data set which was 
measured manually on a digital stereo workstation. The ac- 
curacy of the manual measurement can be expected to be in 
the range of 0.20 to 0.30 m due to measurement and defini- 
tion uncertainty. Thus the results of the participants can be 
compared against this reference. The buildings were repre- 
sented simply by the 3D-coordinates of their roofs, i.e. each 
building is described by 6 coordinates. The comparison is 
done based on the differences in x,y, and z-coordinates be- 
tween the manual measurement and the individual reports of 
the participants. 
The following table gives the mean value of the differences 
(RMS) in the coordinates of the roofs of the buildings!: 
05 |m Oy|M om 
The maximal RMS of all participants lie in the range of 0.4 
to 1.5 m. These figures are higher than the expected val- 
ues, which is probably due to the definition uncertainty of the 
building. The positional accuracy (in x and y) of methods us- 
ing image data is higher than those using solely the DEM. 
The following general conclusions can be drawn from the 
> The problem of detection and recognition can be solved 
for the building objects from the range data alone - pro- 
vided that the data is dense enough compared to the 
object size (cf. Weidner and Fayek). Range data is very 
suitable for localization, especially when objects dis- 
tinctively emerge from background. Even if not, generic 
models help to increase the reliability of object recogni- 
tion (e.g. the model that buildings consist of nearly pla- 
nar surfaces, or the fit of a parametric building model to 
the data set). 
! The results of Fayek are not included, since his aim was the detection and not the reconstruction of the buildings. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
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