gorithm holds
ab.2). Item a
rithm obtains
the DLT algo-
JLT algorithm
es completely
3. The small
'cimeters, are
es. Moreover,
im GCPs con-
e accuracy as
it due to the
tion within a
(in meters)
; values
im under dif-
e s, @ and d
> and the dis-
y. In order to
nulated affine
; are added to
the first and
je parameters
for this table
ithm presents
formations, it
is (in meters)
) best values
Oy oz
455 | 1.722
.460 | 1.715
.466 | 1.719
.465 | 1.748
.488 | 1.743
thm is practi-
nount of affine
hanges (maxi-
nong them.
Object reconstruction without interior orientation
can be linearly accomplished with the aid of the affine
model. By making complete employment of a stereo
we can determine 2 ratios of the affine base compo-
nents and 6 relationships among the 9 entries of the
affine rotation matrix. The partially reconstructed
affine model is oriented to an object frame via de-
termining 15 independent parameters. Unlike the
DLT algorithm where minimum 6 known points are
required on each image of a stereo, this algorithm al-
lows one image may have only 4 of them. In addition
to its completely compatible accuracy with the DLT
algorithm, it is robust to control configurations and
image deformations.
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Prof. Dr.-Ing E.Grafarend is gratelfully acknowledged
since he led the author to projective geometry and its
application to computer vision.