Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

rawn from the 
primitives and 
J real terrain 
region (south 
by accidental 
veen 840 200 
and 176 880, 
d 243.000 m. 
4 points. Two 
jelimited from 
‘mation was 
system. This 
| Versus semi 
/ariants of opt 
the fidelity of 
2. information. 
curacy of the 
and overall 
pared to semi 
10% ). Finally, 
uding the X 
the rule base 
it also higher 
By including the Z information in the modelling process, 
the accuracy increases substantially. At the same time, the 
inclusion of X information results in a considerable gain in 
efficiency. From the results of the modelling experiments 
applied to ideal geometric primitives, a simulated composite 
surface and real terrain morphology, additional rule bases 
were set up. Rule base to systemize selective modelling 
and rules for the procedure of the subsequent phase of 
semi- automated modelling, in order to achieve a balance 
between X and [1 information, allow for optimum sampling. 
The above method allows promissing applications in 
descriptive geomorphology. Both morphographic and 
morphometric attributes of geoforms can be derived from a 
topographic map by visual interpretation or from a DTM by 
either visual or automated procedures. Morphometric 
attributes refer essentially to the geometry of the geoforms, 
including shape and profile of yhe topography, aspect, 
configuration and contour design of the forms, and drainage 
pattern. Morphometric attributes refer to the dimensions of 
the geoforms, including relative elevation, vally density and 
slope steepness. On-going research explores specifically 
the possibility of using the ideal geometric primitive surfaces 
for computer-assisted recognition of elementary landforms, 
as a basis for environment. 
Ayeni, O.,1976. Objective terrain description and 
classification. |.S.P.R.S. 23(lII/1), pp 1-8. 
Charif, M.,1991, Echantillonnage optimal pour modele 
numerique de terrain, partie integrante d'un systeme 
d'information geographique. Ph.D.Thesis, Paris 7 
University, France, 135 pp. 
Charif, M., Makarovic, B., 1988. Optimizing progressive and 
composite sampling for Digital Terrain Model, |.S.P.R.S., 27 
(B10):111-264-280, Kyoto 
Fredrikson, Poul., Jacobi, Ole., Kubik, K. 1983. Optimal 
sample spacing in Digital Terrain Models 1.S.P.R.S. 
Proceedings, commission 3. 
Fredrikson, Poul., Jacobi, Ole., Kubik, K. 1984. Accuracy 
prediction in Digital Elevation Models, |.S.P.R.S. Rio de 
Janeiro, 26 (3/1), pp. 246-255. 
Fredrikson, Poul., Jacobi, Ole., Kubik, K. 1984. Modelling 
and classifying terrain, |.S.P.R.S. Rio de Janeiro, pp. 
Mandelbort. B.B., 1982. The fractal geometry of nature. 
W.H. Freeman and co. San Francisco, 480 pp. 
Kubik, K., Roy, B.. 1986. Digital terrain model workshop 
proceedings. Columbus, Ohio. 150 pp. 
Laan, R.C., 1973. Information transfer in reconstruction of 
data from sampled points of a sinewave l.T.C. Journai 
1973, 3, pp 379-396 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Makarovic, B., 1973. Progressive Sampling for DTM's, 
I. T.C. Journal 1973-3 pp 397-416 
Makarovic, B. 1977. Composite Sampling for Digital Terrain 
Model I.T.C. Journal 1977-3, pp 406-431 
Tempfli, K., 1980. Spectral analysis of terrain relief for the 
accuracy estimation of DTM, I.T.C. Journal 1980-3, pp 

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