Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Fergal Shevlin 
Dept. of Computer Science, 
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. 
KEY WORDS: Satellite, Scanner, Precision, Calibration, Orientation, Vision, Geometry, SPOT. 
A new solution to the problem of determining the parameters of satellite scanner exterior orientation is presented. 
The scanner problem is simplified to that of the frame camera by making use translational and rotational 
trajectory data recorded during the scanninging period. An accurate solution to the frame camera is then 
presented which works even with poorly-distributed ground control points. 
1 Introduction 
Current scanner resection solutions are divided into 
two main classes — those that ignore translational and 
rotational variation over the imaging period, and those 
which use polynomial approximations of motion vari- 
ation [Shevlin, 1996]. The latter are significantly more 
accurate than the former but owing to the amount of 
approximation required they do not achieve optimal 
estimates of the unknowns. As far as this author can 
determine, no currently-published resection solution 
uses actual trajectory data in finding the unknown pa- 
rameters of exterior orientation. This paper explains 
how the use of trajectory data can facilitate the near 
optimal determination of the parameters of exterior 
With the advent of space-qualified GPs attitude and 
orbit determination receivers the problem of satellite 
scanner resection will not be as important in the near 
future as it is today. At the current time, however, 
resection is still required for remote sensing platforms 
such as SPOT whose interior and exterior image ge- 
ometry needs to be known precisely for photogram- 
metric applications. Trajectory data supplied with 
imagery typically consists of samples of angular ve- 
locity recorded by the attitude and orbit control sys- 
tem throughout the imaging period and estimates of 
orbital position determined from Doppler analysis of 
telemetry signals in conjunction with orbital models. 
It has been shown by the author that a using suitable 
parameterisations of rotation, angular velocity sam- 
ples can be splined and integrated to yield a rota- 
tional trajectory (specified as a set of discrete rota- 
tions R;,i = 1,... ,n for n scanlines) relative to the 
unknown orientation Ro at the start of the imaging 
period [Shevlin, 1994; Shevlin, 1995]. Since the esti- 
mates of position are approximated using orbital mod- 
els they cannot be considered correct in terms of abso- 
lute coordinates but they can be used to give an accu- 
rate approximation of relative translation (specified as 
a set of discrete translations t;) over the imaging pe- 
riod. Hence rotational and translational trajectories 
over the imaging period (which can be considered as 
the parameters of interior orientation in scanned im- 
agery) are known, the unknowns are the parameters 
of exterior orientation - position po and orientation 
R at the start of the imaging period. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
2 Problem statement 
Many different frame camera resection solutions have 
been proposed. À dissertation from 1958 documents 
over 80 different approaches (referenced in [Haralick 
et al, 1989]). Considering that this was before the 
advent of computer vision and digital photogramme- 
try it gives some idea of how many solutions exist in 
the literature (see [Tsai, 1987; Tsai, 1989] for compre- 
hensive classification and review). 
The vast majority of solutions rely on the same con- 
straints relating the imaging and scene coordinate 
systems — collinearity, coplanarity, and coangular- 
ity. Different equations specifying these constraints in 
terms of the unknowns are formulated and a wide va- 
riety of techniques applied to solve them. Currently 
published scanner resection solutions all seem to be 
based on the collinearity constraint specified through 
the equations of perspective projection. Primarily due 
to the way in which motion is modelled these solutions 
are not as accurate as they could be [Shevlin, 1995]. 
The aim of the work presented here is to use an accu- 
rate model of scanner motion to achieve resection of 
higher accuracy than that of current techniques. 
In approaching this problem the author did not 
want to duplicate or modify existing techniques since 
most are already minor modifications of a few well- 
established ones. A new perspective of the problem 
was sought. This was eventually achieved with the 
observation that scene point projections on the focal 
plane and the focal point (as well as other interior 
orientation parameters) are sufficient to form a bun- 
dle of lines in the imaging coordinate system. These 
lines specify the paths travelled by image-forming light 
rays reflected off scene objects. This is shown for 
the frame camera and scanner geometries in figure 1. 
The collinearity condition for resection could then be 
considered as fitting the bundle of lines to the scene 
points, or more formally— 
Given the relative positions and orientations of a set 
of image-forming rays in an imaging coordinate sys- 
tem and a corresponding set of observed control points 
in a scene coordinate system, determine the exterior 
orientation of the former system with respect to the 
latter such that the perpendicular distances between 
the rays and the corresponding control points are min- 

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