11s presented.
nd rotational
mera 1s then
olutions have
)8 documents
| in [Haralick
as before the
tions exist in
)] for compre-
he same con-
e coordinate
d coangular-
constraints in
nd a wide va-
n. Currently
| seem to be
ified through
>rimarily due
1ese solutions
nevlin, 1995].
use an accu-
> resection of
hor did not
hniques since
f a few well-
the problem
ved with the
on the focal
ther interior
form a bun-
stem. These
forming light
1s shown for
s in figure 1.
ould then be
to the scene
tions of a set
ordinate sys-
ontrol points
| the exterior
spect to the
nces between
ints are min-
(a) Frame camera
(b) Scanner
Figure 1: Image-forming ray bundles
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
3 Parameterisations
A computational process is required to find the least-
squared error solution of this problem. In order to
determine such a process the problem must be anal-
ysed using manipulable parameterisations of the prob-
lem domain elements. The elements are points, lines,
point-line distance, translation, and rotation (the lat-
ter two are required to describe both the known re-
lationship between lines and the unknown relation-
ship between coordinate systems). The motor alge-
bra [Brand, 1947] provides convenient parameterisa-
tions of all these elements. A point can be represented
by a vector s, a line can be written in Plücker coordi-
nates as 1 = n + ep x n, and a moment (proportional
to point-line distance) is1® s = p x n — s x n where
p is a vector denoting a point on the line and n is a
unit direction vector.
4 Scanner problem analysis
In order to gain some insight into the scanner resec-
tion problem it will be temporarily assumed that the
position and orientation of the scanner imaging co-
ordinate system with respect to the scene is known.
The squared error between image-forming rays 1; and
corresponding scene points s; is written,’
n n
Y @si|= > lpi x mi — si x ml. (1)
i=1 i=l
The vector difference on the right hand side can be
(P: — si) X ni. (2)
This shows how the moment magnitude and direction
is a function of the vector between the scene point and
a point on the line. Note that the vector is unaffected
by a translation of its end points by t;,
pi-ti-sitt-pi-si (3)
The positions p; of points on scanner rays are speci-
fied by known translations t; with respect to an initial
unknown position pg, p; = po + ti. Rewriting equa-
tion (2) gives gives,
(Po +t; — Si) Xn; (4)
Making use of observation (3) gives,
po— (si — ti). (5)
Since both s; and t; are known, artificial scene control
points s; — s; — t; can be calculated and equation (1)
!|a| is used to denote the square of vector magnitude, calcu-
lated as a - a.