can be rewritten explicitly in terms of the unknown
initial position po,
> ipo x ni- sí x nil. (6)
This statement of the sum to be minimised for the
scanner bundle-fitting problem is the same as that
required for the frame camera bundle-fitting problem
assuming scene control points are labelled s;. As far
as the author can determine, this is the first time that
the scanner problem has been simplified to that of the
frame camera.
Although it seems that conventional frame camera re-
section solutions (such as those based on the collinear-
ity condition) may now be applied to solve the prob-
lem, this is not the case. The ground control points
have been translated towards one another, their dis-
tance being a function of the orientation of the scan-
ner at the time of imaging. Despite the fact that they
may have been well-distributed across the scene ini-
tially they have been translated to be spatially clus-
tered. Tests with SPOT trajectory data have shown
that ground control points whose image observations
were initially thousands of pixels apart are translated
such that the image observations are only tens of pix-
els apart [Shevlin, 1995] and that conventional resec-
tion solutions fail to converge to accurate estimates
when using these clustered points [Shevlin, 1996].
The unknown initial orientation of the imaging co-
ordinate system R has yet to be introduced into the
problem. Let n; — [|] R;no be the unit direction vec-
tors of lines in the imaging coordinate system specified
by known rotations R; of an initial vector no (which
could be the optical axis, for instance). These vectors
are transformed into the scene coordinate system by
the unknown rotation Ro. Using this to rewrite equa-
tion (6) gives an expression explicitly in terms of all
NS Ipo x Ron; — s; x Roni]. (7)
The author has made several attempts to find po and
Ro which minimise this sum, but without success.
This lead to the bundle-fitting formulation being put
aside. However the analysis was in no way a waste of
effort since it facilitated the simplification of scanner
problem to that of the frame camera for the first time.
Since conventional frame camera resection techniques
are not sufficient for this geometry a new one has been
derived. In general kinematic analysis is greatly facil-
itated by the fact that translation and rotation can
be treated separately therefore aim was to formulate
two separate resection problems, one for position and
one for orientation. Since reducing the dimensional-
ity of the unknown parameter space results in fewer
parameters being sought together, the probability of
their optimal determination is increased.
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996
5 Coplanarity condition
The coangularity condition (Church's condi-
tion [Ghosh, 1988, p. 104]) to constrain the resection
problem is that the angle 0 between a pair of rays in
the imaging coordinate system is the same as that
between the rays in the scene coordinate system. This
can be written as cosf;; = cosfry =n; -n; = ny -ny
where the upper and lower case subscripts of angles
0 and unit vectors n refer to the rays in the image
and scene coordinate systems respectively. Analytic
solutions based on this constraint are presented
in [Ghosh, 1988; Wolf, 1983, pp. 104, 240 resp.],
however they are not least-squared error solutions.
This approach inspired the realisation that the prob-
lem is simplied by specifying the image-forming rays
with respect to the known scene points instead of the
unknown focal point. Instead of applying the coan-
gularity condition through equations written in terms
of direction vectors it was decided to investigate the
formulation which results using the scalar product of
Plucker lines 1; - 1; = 0 = 0 + ed. The dual angle 0
comprises the length d of a perpendicular joining the
two lines and a rotation of angle 0 about the perpen-
Given lines I; 2 Rn;-- es; x Rn; and 1; = Rn; + es; x
Rn; the scalar product 1; À, is found by distributing
across the real and dual parts,
1; À, =0+ed=
Rn; - Rn; + ¢ (Rn; "Sj X Rn; + Rn; SX Rn).
This gives a new idea for a constraint — that the
perpendicular distance d between the rays at the focal
point should be zero,
d = Rn; - s; x Rn; + Rn; -s; x Rn;
= s; - Rn; Xx Rn; + s; - Rn; x Rn;
=S; R(n; x n;) + S; + R(n; x n;)
= (s; — s;) - R(n; x n;) = 0. (9)
This expression is one of coplanarity. A vector be-
tween two scene control points is coplanar with vec-
tors defining the directions of their image projections,
see figure 2. The coplanarity constraint is more often
used for the relative orientation problem. The con-
straint equation (9) looks interesting for the resection
problem because the only unknown present is orien-
Letting? g; = ||si — s;|| and c; = ||n; x n;||, the
squared error function of camera orientation R to be
minimised is,3
> (gi, Rey)? (10)
?|la|| is used to denote the unit norm of vector a, calculated
as a/ V |a.
3(a,b) is used to denote the inner product, calculated as