Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ırch’s  condi- 
1 the resection 
pair of rays in 
same as that 
e system. This 
ripts of angles 
| in the image 
vely. Analytic 
are presented 
)4, 240 resp.], 
r solutions. 
that the prob- 
e-forming rays 
instead of the 
ying the coan- 
ritten in terms 
nvestigate the 
lar product of 
> dual angle 0 
lar joining the 
ut the perpen- 
= Rn; + es; x 
yy distributing 
:S; x Rnj). 
t — that the 
ys at the focal 
x Rn; 
< Rn; 
X nj) 
A vector be- 
inar with vec- 
se projections, 
.1s more often 
om. The con- 
r the resection 
esent 1S orien- 
n; x n;||, the 
ation R to be 
tor a, calculated 
ct, calculated as 
Figure 2: Coplanarity of image rays 
Since achieving this the author has discovered a simi- 
lar minimisation equation to (10) in [Liu et al., 1990], 
but it was found through observation of problem ge- 
ometry rather than analytically as shown above. 
6 Rotation solution 
The elements of an orthonormal rotation matrix R 
are non-linear functions of the unknown Euler angles 
of rotation w, @, x. This makes equation (10) highly 
non-linear in terms of the three unknowns and thus a 
closed-form solution for them is improbable. Various 
approaches to minimisation are outlined in [Shevlin, 
1996]. The one presented here uses the quaternion 
q parameterisation of rotation [Horn, 1987]. Equa- 
tion (10) can be rewritten, 
D (8500)? =D (gcssa)”. (11) 
Let N; = G/ C; where G; and C; are orthogonal ma- 
trices formed from vectors g; and c; (see [Horn, 1987]). 
Let N — 5, Ni. Writing the quaternion q as a vec- 
tor q — [go q1 42 42 q3] and denoting quaternion mul- 
tiplication as a matrix by vector product gives the fol- 
lowing matrix expression equivalent to equation (11), 
(a” Na)”. (12) 
This could be minimised by finding solving the 
quadratic form F(q) for the four quaternion variables 
(subject to the unit quaternion constraint q3 + a? + 
Q3 4 + q3 = 1), 
F(q): q' Nq - 0. (13) 
Instead of attempting to solve a quadratic in four vari- 
ables subject to a constraint, it was decided to form 
an overdetermined system of simultaneous non-linear 
equations F;(q): q' N;q — 0 (for each observation 
i =1,...,n). Each of the F;(q) can be linearised in 
the neighbourhood of a known q using the first two 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
terms of a Taylor’s series expansion, 
F;(q + Aq) = Fi(q) + CD Aq, c 
OF; OF; OF; 
Un + — CU + (@ Ags (14) 
0q1 0q2 03 
The Newton-Raphson method can be used to solve it- 
eratively for corrections Aq which minimise the least- 
squared error. 
An important advantage of using the quaternion pa- 
rameterisation in the solution of the problem (as op- 
posed to Euler angles and hence rotation matrices as 
used in [Liu et al., 1990]) is the ease with which suc- 
cessful initial values for the iterative solution can be 
found. The following set of coefficients provide a reg- 
ular tesselation of the unit quaternion hemisphere and 
it can be shown that convergence to the four possible 
solutions is guarenteed, 
051. 03005 05 
051 10571 1005| 203 
05/105 17105171051 
051 os os zo 
054 1051 105% [05 
enses sies]: 05 
05 dd 0 24-05 (15) 
ipe mov e a le: 
The negation of the elements of this set provide 
diametrically-opposed points on the other hemisphere 
and so could also be used as starting values. The 
solutions found through this linearisation may then 
be used as start points in a non-linear optimisation 
search to minimise equation (12). A very accurate 
and efficient means to perform such a search on the 
unit quaternion sphere is the spherical optimisation 
search outlined in [Kanatani, 1993, p. 123]. 
7 Translation solution 
Once orientation has been found the least-squared er- 
ror solution for position p can be found in closed-form 
using the pseudo-inverse method. The position of the 
i'^ image-forming ray is specified with the scene con- 
trol point s; in the Plücker line 1; = n;+€s; x n;. Since 
each image-forming ray passes through the focal point 
p x n; = s; x N;. (16) 
An overdetermined system of linear equations in terms 
of the unknown p can be formed, 
P Xn = 81 X11 
P XN =82 X19 
PXM = Sn X Mn 
Rewriting this using a skew-symmetric matrix product 
instead of the cross product on the left-hand side and

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