Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

measured on a continuous scale from 0-90. Our system must 
allow its users to query the federation by their own vocabulary. 
The system is then transparently handling and resolving the 
discrepancies. The approach introduced in this chapter is called 
semantic data sharing of spatial data. 
Building semantics onto the syntactic description of geographic 
objects can be considered as wrapping them with semantic 
descriptors. Users are then interacting with the federation 
through this semantic wrapper while the system is transparently 
resolving the syntactic differences. However, in order to 
establish such semantic descriptors, data sharing concept poses 
some problems in several disciplines which have to be 
1. A common vocabulary must be defined that allows various 
decision levels to exchange information at the semantic 
level. This common vocabulary is know as 
2. A set of protocols must be established that permit semantic- 
level exchange of information. : 
3. An architecture which implements the concept of semantic 
data sharing. 
4. Applying this concept on a large scale will definitely 
increase the traffic on the network. A set of basic facilitation 
services is required that off-load functionality such as name 
service, buffering, routing of messages, and matching 
procedures and consumers of information. 
In this paper a mechanism for building a canonical data model 
is introduced. Moreover a protocol for semantic-level exchange 
is established. The system architecture and the network aspects 
are outside the scope of this paper. An overview of the current 
technology and research activities in the field of data sharing is 
shown in section 2. The spatial canonical data model is 
explained in section 3. The proposed concept for semantic data 
sharing is shown in section 4. 
[Saltor et al., 1993] provided a comprehensive classification of 
heterogeneity. The classification has three aspects: syntactic, 
schematic, and semantic. 
2.1 Syntactic Heterogeneity 
Each database may be implemented in a different DBMS with a 
different data model, e.g., relational model Vs object oriented 
model. Syntactic heterogeneity is also related to the geometric 
representation of geographic objects, e.g., raster and vector 
Current technology and research activities for sharing spatial 
information are tackling the above two aspects of syntactic 
heterogeneity. One of the most prominent and promising 
technologies which aim to provide connectivity between 
heterogeneous databases is the open database connectivity, 
ODBC [Kyle Geiger, 1995]. It can be plugged in most of the 
current platforms. The main objective of ODBC is to resolve 
the heterogeneity of the DBMSs, i.e., syntactic heterogeneity. 
Users are able to interact with different platforms regardless of 
their underlying operating system and DBMS. It is a standard 
application programming interface (API) for accessing data in 
both relational and non relational database management 
systems. Using ODBC’s API, applications can access data 
stored in a variety of personal computer, minicomputer, and 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
mainframe DBMSs, even when each DBMS uses a different 
data storage format and programming interface. 
The open GIS consortium, OGC is responsible for improving 
the other aspect of syntactic heterogeneity, i.e., geometric 
representation of geographic objects, using its open 
Geoinformation specifications, OGIS [Schell D., 1995]. The 
specifications have two parts: 1) the Open Geodata Model, 
OGM, which provides a common geodata model for all spatio- 
temporal data. The model supports both object and field based 
approaches. 2) Open Geoprocessing Services, OGS. It defines 
a common consistent set of geoprocessing software interfaces. 
These interfaces define the behaviour of geoprocessing 
software services which access, interchange, manage, 
manipulate and present geospatial data specified in OGM. 
The basic strategy of OGIS is to define a set of well known 
types and common aggregates as the basic building blocks. The 
well known types would include common programming types 
such as integers, real numbers, character strings. The aggregate 
types would include common programming database aggregate 
constructors such as list, set, mullet-set, and tuple. Moreover 
OGIS defines a basic level of spatial and temporal primitives 
which would allows systems to build their own internal 
representation. This includes point, line, areas, surfaces, 
curves, and simplexes. 
Provided that in the near future all GISs are using these 
concepts in their basic definition, the transformation from one 
spatial domain to the other is straight foreword process. 
2.2 Schematic Heterogeneity 
Objects in one database are considered as properties in the 
other. Moreover, object classes of the same real world entity 
may have different hierarchies and descriptors in different 
databases. Unified data models are designed to handle this type 
of heterogeneity. The concept proposed in this paper is 
designed to handle the schematic and the semantic 
heterogeneity simultaneously, section 4. 
2.3 Semantic Heterogeneity 
A real world entity may have been represented in different 
ways by different designers in order to serve various 
applications, giving as a consequence semantic conflicts at the 
level of federation. For example a road network in a GIS for 
transportation has different semantics from that in a GIS for 
topographic mapping. 
In the context of providing data sharing at the semantic level 
[Daruwala A., et al., 1995] proposed a strategy based on the 
notion of context interchange. In the context interchange 
framework, assumptions underlying the interpretations 
attributed to data are explicitly represented in the form of data 
contexts with respect to a shared ontology [Goh C., et al., 
1994, 1995]. Ontology is a specification of a conceptualisation. 
That is, an ontology is a description of the concepts and 
relationships that can exist for a component GIS or a set of 
interrelated components. 
The ontology of certain application domain is implemented in a 
component called mediator. A mediator is a paradigm which 
provides a link between data sources and receivers [Siegel M., 
et al., 1991]. 
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