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power of these
iple heuristic
ound in regions
of the search space containing relatively high proportions
of good solutions. The problem is that, if the complex space
of problem resolutions become larger and larger, the
population size and the generation size have to be increased
at same time. Therefore, the efficiency of GA is one of
obstacles to apply GA in reality.
Hill climbing is a good example of a search strategy
that exploits the best among known possibilities for finding
an improved solution. Although Hill-Climbing strategies is
easy to trap in one of local maxima more far away from the
optimal solution, it is a very good search strategy that
exploits the best among known possibilities for finding an
improved solution. So in our research we try to combine
the Hill-Climbing strategy with GA.
4.2 Maintenance of Population Diversity
Estimates based on finite samples in GA inevitably
have a sample error associated with them. Repeated
iterations of algorithm compound the sample error and lead
to search trajectories much different from those theoretically
predicted. The most serious phenomenon is the premature
convergence. The premature convergence is caused by early
emergence of an individual that is better than the others in
the population, although far form optimal. Copies of this
structure may quickly dominate the population. Search
continues then but is concentrated in the vicinity of this
structure and may miss much better solutions elsewhere in
the search space.
To avoid the premature convergence, one has to
maintain population diversity or to reduce the different of
best fitness with others. Althou gh, to reduce the reproduction
number can not eliminate the premature convergence, it can
be used as a simple way to reduce the rapid convergence.
Therefore, in our research, we limited the duplicated number
of individuals less than two. It means that if individual's
expected duplicated number is larger than two, we will force
it to equal two. To do so, the premature convergence speed
can be reduced.
The test program of GA/HC for spatio-temporal
interpolation of pixel based landuse data was coded with C
language and was run on SPARC/station2. Several simple
landuse class variable data had been used to test program.
Small spatio-temporal datasets are used in the experiment
to check the behavior of the GA/HC based interpolation
under different conditions. The test data size of individual
had been defined with 20 pixels * 6 time-slices for two
dimensional case, while 1 lines * 11 columns * 6 time slices
for three dimensional case. The first and last time-slice in
~~ Boundary condition -
22222200222112222222 Space
Boundary condition
class values
Figure.7 a) Result of GA/HC (2D case)
Observational Data
7 /
^ € 7 ; -
ToL Oly
51111111111 o] Observational Data
Y Observational Data / Y
Figure.7 b) Result of GA/HC (3D case)
the individual are supposed to be sample (observational)
data and all middle time-slices should be estimated by the
interpolation. In these experiments, we set the generation
size of GA/HC to 2000, which was large enough to get stable
results. The probability of crossover operation was defined
as 0.7, while the probability of mutation operation was
relative small in natural population, so that we used 0.01 as
the probability of mutation. Figure.7 is two dimensional
and three dimensional experiment results of GA/HC, in
which the individual has largest fitness value. With the
assumed model, smooth transition/expansion has the largest
fitness or likelihood.
In Figure 8, observed location of class '0' in the
first time slice and the last time slice are overlapping
spatially. The Interpolation result naturally connect class '0'
together, forming a band of class '0'. On the other hand in
Figure 9, while class '0' is not overlapping, it is demonstrated
that the most likely interpolation do not connect class '0’
together, and that a case forming a band of class '0' apparently
have lower likelihood, though it looks natural. InFigure.10,
another observational data is given at the middle. In this
case, the most likely spatio-temporal pattern of class changes
has a band of class '0'. It is concluded that the interpolation
method integrating observational data and behavioral
models/rules can estimate the most likely voxel field under
different conditions.
11d 1000011
| 1111000011
TimW Observational data Time) Interpolation result
Figure. 8 Interpolation Result (Overlapping case)
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996