Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

)BMS uses a different 
onsible for improving 
eneity, i.e., geometric 
ts, using its open 
Schell D., 1995]. The 
Dpen Geodata Model, 
ta model for all spatio- 
object and field based 
rvices, OGS. It defines 
ng software interfaces. 
ur of geoprocessing 
nterchange, manage, 
pecified in OGM. 
e a set of well known 
ic building blocks. The 
on programming types 
strings. The aggregate 
ing database aggregate 
, and tuple. Moreover 
1d temporal primitives 
d their own internal 
line, areas, surfaces, 
GISs are using these 
ansformation from one 
eword process. 
d as properties in the 
same real world entity 
escriptors in different 
ned to handle this type 
sed in this paper is 
and the semantic 
presented in different 
er to serve various 
mantic conflicts at the 
network in a GIS for 
rom that in a GIS for 
' at the semantic level 
strategy based on the 
> context interchange 
the interpretations 
ed in the form of data 
logy [Goh C., et al., 
of a conceptualisation. 
of the concepts and 
onent GIS or a set of 
in is implemented in a 
ris a paradigm which 
] receivers [Siegel M., 
et al., 1991]. This paradigm described how those features can 
be realised by showing: 
1. How domain and context specific knowledge can be 
represented and organised for maximal sharing. 
2. How these bodies of knowledge can be used to facilitate the 
detection and resolution of semantic conflicts between 
different systems. 
A context mediator does a number of things each time it 
receives a query referencing multiple data sources. First it 
compares the contexts of the data sources and receivers to 
determine if semantic conflicts exist, and if so, what 
concessions need to take place to resolve them. This is referred 
to as conflict detection and the information detailing the 
conflicts are presented in a conflict table. This query then 
undergoes an optimisation process. Optimisation takes number 
of forms: a subquery can be reformulated so that constants 
referred to in a query are concerted to the context of the data 
sources executing that query. Finally, the intermediate answers 
obtained form component systems must be merged together 
and converted to the context understood by the receiver. 
There are two pre-requests for mediation of semantic conflicts: 
1. All sources and receivers must describe their contexts 
explicitly with respect to a collection of shared ontology, 
i.e., expert schema 
2. All queries must routed through the context mediator 
mentioned above. 
It is worth mentioning here that the context interchange 
concept is only suited for non spatial databases. However, 
merging the OGIS concept and the context interchange concept 
will result a proper semantic data sharing mechanism. In the 
next section a proposal with such an idea is presented. 
Furthermore, a different approach will be followed for 
modelling ontology of spatial objects. A canonical model is 
presented. This model is based on using OGIS concepts for 
defining the syntactic structure and spatial representation of 
geographic objects, and metadata and relationship between 
objects for building semantics. A rule base stored in the 
mediator server accesses the metadata and the knowledge base 
for identifying objects and resolving semantic conflicts. 
The proposed theory for semantic data sharing is based on 
building layers of semantics onto the syntactic definition of 
geographic objects, Figure 1. At the lowest level of the syntactic 
definition we find the classic data structure, i.e., field and 
object based approaches. The GIS theory formalises the 
topologic relationships amongst objects, uncertainty aspects, 
and the handling of geometry and topology of fuzzy objects 
[Molenaar M., et al., 1993 a, b and 1995]. Finally the theory 
introduces a consistent framework for object hierarchies, i.e., 
generalisation, aggregation, etc. This theory is however 
focused on object representation is a single database. OGIS 
introduced an elaborate set of common syntactic vocabulary for 
spatial object representation for sharing and exchange. The 
syntactic part of the canonical data model is based on OGIS 
specification mentioned in section 2.1. 
A node is a collection of interrelated contexts. Nodes can be 
divided into sub-nodes. A sub-node can have one or more 
context. A Context refers to the assumptions underlying the 
way in which an interoperating agent represents or interprets 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
data. A context is defined by one and only one set of semantic 
specifications. Contexts can be structured in a hierarchical way. 
Hence, semantic specifications of a lower level context are 
used as building blocks for those at a higher level. A context 
can have one or more sub-contexts. Each context corresponds 
to one and only one database. A database in turn is 
corresponding to one and only one data model. A data model 
consists of one or more hierarchies. A hierarchy is formed by 
Semantics Of 
Semantics Of 
— -SSemantics 
Semantics Of 
Semantics Of 
Object Hierarchies 
Uncertainty and 
Fuzzy Relations Syntax & 
Topolory Schemata 
Field and Object 
Based Structures 
Figure 1 Syntactic and Semantic Definition 
one or more object classes, i.e., intension. A class can have one 
or more instances, i.e., extension. 
Figure 1 shows the semantics that have to be built onto the 
syntax. Object classes, intensions, hierarchies are considered as 
syntactic problem while the functional relationships between 
classes, within and across hierarchies, are considered as 
semantic problem. This is similar to the association concept 
between objects [Date C.J., 1995]. The relationship between 
hierarchies is the second semantic level. The relation between 
contexts, i.e., different databases, is the third semantic level. 
Relationship between contexts is defining the relationship 
between different GIS applications. The highest level of 
semantics is the relationship between nodes. 
In the subsequent sections the semantics of classes, hierarchies, 
contexts, and nodes, are explained. FGDC metadata standards 
and add-hoc knowledge bases will be used simultaneously to 
model the two parts of semantics, i.e., metadata and 
relationships, respectively. 
The semantic domain sem (D) is defined as the set of attributes 
used to define classes, hierarchies, contexts, and nodes 
sem (D) =<Y,, Y,, Yz, ..., Y.> where each Y,; is an attribute. 
For each value d in the domain of D the semantics of that value 
can be defined in terms of the semantic domain as 
sem (d) = <y;, Y2 ys ..., y,» Where y; e domain (Y;) 

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