Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Helght Standard Error (mm). 
1.5 Fr 4 
No Control d 4Full 4 Fuli+Ht GPS + Fuil Control No GPS Used 
[=e = Block 
| =e = 2 Strips 
—e — Centre 
Helght Standard Error (mm). 
No Control 4 Full 4 Fuli+Ht GPS + Full Control No GPS Used 
Figure 2 - Effect of Additional Strips On (a) Control (b) Unknown Point Height SE Under Different Control Strategies. 
820 840 860 880 900 920 
| L | | i 
4 a d 
5 0207 5 5 o 
i 1000 of of 
3 980-| e o eo 
5 e 
T T T T T 
820 840 860 880 900 920 
Locd Y Coordnate (metres) 
940 960 980 000 10 
L 1 | 1 
d ol 
o e -1020 
d a 1000 
e d 080 
Ss S 
—— lli 602. 
I I T T 
940 960 980 300 20 
Figure 3 - Heighting Standard Error Distribution Plot for Centre * Lateral Strip (vector unit is metres). 
Figure 2 show how the photographic configuration 
influences the height standard error for the block when 
the control configuration is altered (they are presented as 
lines passing through the 5 points defined by the x-axis 
labels). The addition of a lateral strip to the main centre 
strip (the 2 strips line) gives a marked improvement in 
overall precision. The improvement gained by adding the 
third strip is not so great, which is encouraging when the 
cost of additional strips of photography is considered. 
However, with a lateral strip flown in this manner (6096 
overlap) much of the photograph is unused in the analysis 
and the far set of control points are not covered. This 
leads to the standard error pattern for the heights shown 
in Figure 3 (only the magnitude of the vectors is 
important). All the far points (those on the top row) have 
higher height standard errors because they appear on 
less photographs. The near points (those on the lower 
lines) show an improvement when compared to a similar 
Control Config. 
GPS Block 24 2.1 
GPS 4 full + height 3.0 23 
GPS 4 full 3.2 2.5 
GPS no control 8.9 4.9 
Unknown Point Standard Errors (mm) 
plot of only the centre strip. To alleviate this problem, 
simulated analysis is underway (see Section 6) to 
investigate the use of a second centre strip, identical to 
the first but offset in the flight direction by half a 
photograph 'length'. It is expected that this will improve 
the standard error pattern from Figure 3. 
Table 4 gives a detailed summary of the results for the full 
block of photography. Processing without control as in the 
last row leads to a marked decrease in precision. When 
control points are included in the adjustment, it can be 
seen that heighting precision is decreased when only four 
full control points are used in the corners of the block. 
This implies that there is not so much scope for reduction 
of height control if the highest precision measurement is 
required. This result was expected, knowing that reducing 
plan control would still reduce the overall cost of a 
photographic flight. 
Control Point Standard Errors (mm) 
3.0 2.1 1.9 1.6 
3.1 3.0 2.5 1.6 
4.0 3.2 2.9 1.8 
7:5 N/A N/A 
Table 4 - Combined Bundle Estimation With Different Control Configurations. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Height SE (mm) 

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