Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

0X,6, 1,1) —— 
the bar profile is 
kernel, a smooth 
; Will be: 
(x — w)) (7) 
q— w)) (8) 
mieu) 5i 049) 
bar profile with 
e derivatives of a 
adually becomes 
ll vanish only at 
upport of go (x). 
will not take on 
ict, for à < 0.2 
here will be two 
ywever, desirable 
nimumat x = 0. 
be shown that 
esponse in scale- 
same scheme as 
ed lines as well. 
The same anal- 
les as well, e.g., 
o fundamentally 
e a certain value 
show the desired 
z"(x) having a 
s have the same 
rely true in real 
rical bar-shaped 
'sponses will be: 
$e (x — w) (12) 
ge (x — w) (13) 
go (x — w).(14) 
The location where rz (x,c, w,h) = 0, i.e., the position of the 
line, is given by 
z= = In(l = h) : (15) 
This means that the line will be estimated in a wrong position 
when the contrast is significantly different on both sides of the 
line. The estimated position of the line will be within the actual 
boundaries of the line as long as 
hel-eUt (16) 
(a) Contours (o — 1.5) (b) Smoothed Image 
Figure 3: Line detection for asymmetric lines (a). Smoothed 
image (b). 
Figure 3(a) illustrates this effect in practice. In this image 
a three pixel wide line (i.e., w = 1.5) that has a ramp with 
h € [0,1] on one side is shown. Note that the position of the 
line lies within the true boundaries of the line up to a rather high 
value of h. Hence, relatively large contrast differences can be 
handled. The estimated positions of the line come as no surprise 
when one looks at Fig. 3(b), which shows the smoothed image 
the algorithm looks at internally to determine the line position. 
To eliminate such erroneously located lines, simple thresholding 
will suffice since r7 (x, c, w, h) will have a small value as  — 1. 
However, for illustrational purposes, the threshold has been set to 
zero in this example. 
2.3 Lines in 1D, Discrete Case 
The analysis so far has been carried out for analytical functions 
z(x). For discrete signals only two modifications have to be made. 
The first one is the choice of how to implement the convolution in 
discrete space. Integrated Gaussian kernels were chosen as convo- 
lutions masks, mainly because they give automatic normalization 
of the masks and a direct criterion on how many coefficients are 
needed for a given approximation error. The integrated Gaussian 
is obtained if one regards the discrete image z,, as a piecewise con- 
stant function =(x) = z, forx € (n — i. n + i] and integrating 
the continuous Gaussian kernel over this area. The convolution 
masks will be given by: 
gna = doln+ i) — $s(n— 3) (17) 
no = do(n+3)-go(n- 3) (18) 
9 e = ga (n + 5) — gL(n — 1) (19) 
The approximation error is set to 107^ in each case. Of 
course, other schemes, like Lindeberg's discrete Gaussian deriva- 
tive approximations (Lindeberg, 1993) or a recursive computation 
(Deriche, 1993), are suitable for the implementation as well. 
The second problem that has to be solved is how to determine 
the location of a line in the discrete case In principle, one could 
use a zero crossing detector for this task. However, this would 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
yield the position of the line only with pixel precision. In order 
to overcome this, the second order Taylor polynomial of z, is 
examined. Let r, r', and 7" be the locally estimated derivatives 
at point n of the image that are obtained by convolving the image 
With g,, g;, and g,. Then the Taylor polynomial is given by 
Mar ru Ira (20) 
The position of the line, i.e., the point where p'(x) = O is 
y-——. (21) 
The point 71 is declared a line point if this position falls within the 
pixel's boundaries, i.e., if € [— 2, $] and the second derivative 
r" is larger than a user-specified threshold. Please note that in 
order to extract lines, the response r, which is the smoothed local 
image intensity, is unnecessary and therefore does not need to be 
2.4 Detection of Lines in 2D 
Curvilinear structures in 2D can be modeled as curves s(t) that 
exhibit a characteristic 1D line profile (e.g., fp or f3) in the direc- 
tion perpendicular to the line, i.e., perpendicular to s’(¢). Let this 
direction be n(t). This means that the first directional derivative 
in the direction n(t) should vanish and the second directional 
derivative should be of large absolute value. No assumption can 
be made about the derivatives in the direction of s'(1). For ex- 
ample, let z(x,y) be an image that results from sweeping the 
profile f, along a circle s(t) of radius ». The second directional 
derivative perpendicular to s'(£) will have a large negative value, 
as desired. However, the second directional derivative along s' (t) 
will also be non-zero. 
The only problem that remains is to compute the direction of 
the line locally for each image point. In order to do this, the 
partial derivatives rz, ry, rzz, rzy, and ry, of the image will 
have to be estimated. This can be done by convolving the image 
with the appropriate 2D Gaussian kernels. The direction in which 
the second directional derivative of z(x, y) takes on its maximum 
absolute value will be used as the direction n(£). This direction 
can be determined by calculating the eigenvalues and eigenvectors 
of the Hessian matrix 
d CRY ) (22) 
Vay! Tyy 
The calculation can be done in a numerically stable and efficient 
way by using one Jacobi rotation to annihilate the ».,, term. Let the 
eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue of maximum absolute 
value, i.c., the direction perpendicular to the line, be given by 
(na, ny) with ||(na, ny)|l, = 1. As in the ID case, a quadratic 
polynomial will be used to determine whether the first directional 
derivative along (n4, ny) vanishes within the current pixel. This 
point will be given by 
(psspy) 7m nz ing) . (23) 
Dae + Ty My 
t= — 
2 > 2 
Pax a "E 27 ayNaNy + TyyTU, 
Again, (ps, py) € [-3. 3] x [75. 3] is required in order for a 
point to be declared a line point. As in the 1D case, the second di- 
rectional derivative along (75, 14 ), 1.€., the maximum eigenvalue, 
can be used to select salient lines. 

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