Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Throughout the explanation examples will be drawn from the 
field of watershed management which is the application used 
for implementing the concept. 
4.1 Semantics of nodes 
The metadata standards are structured in layers. Those parts 
which are needed to uniquely identify nodes, contexts, 
hierarchies, and classes, will be introduced in their respective 
layer. Figure 2 shows a hierarchy of contexts classified into 
nodes. Each node corresponds to a particular theme of 
At node 0 the common syntactic vocabulary is defined, as 
stated by OGIS. In addition to the common syntactic definition, 
the semantics of nodes are also defined at this node. Nor 
example node 1 is for earth resources and node 2 is related to 
mapping. A node is a defined by the 7-tuple given by 
sem <node> = <name, Address, sub-nodes, super-node, 
context-thesaurus, role, contexts> 
Name uniquely identifies nodes in the whole federation. 
Address is the URL Internet address of the node. 
Sub-nodes the immediate children of a node. 
Super-node is the immediate parent of a node. Both super and 
sub nodes will allow scanning the node/context hierarchy. 
Context-thesaurus is a set of alternative names of 
contexts within a node. This facility is added in order 
to resolve the naming conflicts that can arise from 
contexts, who have various perceptions and 
understanding of another context. 
Role is a list of data types provided by contexts which 
belong to the underlying node. 
having different remote users, i.e., from different | 
As an example the semantics of node 1 and node 2 can 
be as follows 
sem (node 1) = < Earth resources, itc.nl, none, 
federated GIS, (natural resources, environmental 
data), (watershed data, water quality), (environment, 
basin management)» 
Node 2 
sem (node 2) = « mapping, ma.nl, none, federated GIS, 
(topography, surveying), {topographic information, 
land parcel», «cadastral, maps, triangulation information» 
4.2 Semantics Of contexts 
Contexts refers to the assumptions underlying the way in which 
an interoperating member represents or interprets data. Syntax 
and semantics at node 1 are used as building blocks for 
defining the immediate higher level contexts, i.e., WSM and 
water quality in Figure 2. Hence syntactic and semantic 
definitions are recursively defined from the lower level 
contexts to the higher ones. The semantic relationships are 
defined between each context and its super context. In this case 
the semantic level for data exchange between two contexts is 
the one defined at the common super context. For example the 
semantic level for sharing data between analysis and 
monitoring contexts is the regional context. A context is 
defined by 14-tuple 
sem (context) = <node, name, address, sub-contexts, super- 
context, list of classes, class thesaurus, identification 
information, distribution information, quality, role, 
More Semantics 
Base Map Heighet 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
association, spatial reference information, spatial data 
organisation information> 
Node the name of the node where the underlying context 
belongs to. 
Name is uniquely identifying the context in the whole 
Address the URL Internet address of the context. 
Sub-contexts are the immediate children of a context. 
Super-context is the immediate parent of a context. Both super 
and sub contexts will allow scanning the node/context 
List of classes is a set of class names which are in the database 
of the underlying context. 
Class thesaurus is the list of the alternative names of classes 
within the underlying context. 
Identification information basic information about the data 
set as defined by FGDC. A Boolean value which indicates 
whether the metadata exist or not. 
Distribution information it is about the distribution options 
for obtaining the data set, as defined by FGDC. A Boolean 
value which indicates whether the metadata exist or not. 
Quality is the general quality parameters of the database 
contents as defined by FGDC. A Boolean value which 
indicates whether the metadata exist or not. 
Role is a set which represents the data types offered by the 
underlying context. 
Erosion Sediment Water quality 
Environmental Social Economic 
Monitoring Analysis Management 
Local National 
Hydrology Soil 
Mapping Agriculture Earth Resources 
Federated GIS 
Node 0 
Figure 2 Node And Context Hierarchy 
Association A Boolean value which indicates if the underlying 
class has a functional relationship with other classes. 
Spatial reference information a Boolean value which 
indicates whether there exist metadata. 
spatial data organisation information is the mechanism used 
to represent the spatial information in the data set. It is a 
Boolean value which indicates whether there exist metadata 
As an example consider the context of watershed management, 
decision making for watersheds involves three types of 
activities: 1) monitoring: where the aim is to prepare a concise 
data inventory of the status of the watershed; 2) analysis: 
where the aim is to analyse watersheds in order to assess their 
vulnerability for degradation, and quantify the causes of 
degradation; 3) management: where the intention is to 
introduce and implement new management plans. These 
activities are performed by different groups which can be 
considered as different contexts. Corresponding to these 
contexts are three object hierarchies Figure 3. At the lowest 
level of these hierarchies are elementary objects. Elementary 
objects are those at the lowest level of an abstraction hierarchy 
of a particul 
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