Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ceeds in a goal-directed manner. A control unit, con- 
taining a priority ordered queue of processing elements, 
is added to the blackboard system. Further details con- 
cerning the dataflow of the BPl-System are described 
in previous papers [Lütjen, 1986; Stilla, 1995] 
In order to explain the 3D-reconstruction we chose a 
simple model for the recognition of a house. In many 
aerial images containing houses only their roofs can be 
recognized. Thus the houses are actually described by 
their roofs. This paper only takes houses with simple 
gabled roofs (ROOF) into account. It is assumed that 
significant parts of a roof can be described as rectan- 
gles in the scene and parallelograms in the image. This 
applies for many houses in aerial images. 
À simple rewriting system for a roof is determined by 
Groor = ({R},{R, PF, P,U, A}, {L}, {P1, Pa, P3, Pa, Ps })- 
According to Groor and starting with the primitive 
objects L, the partial objects A, U, P, F, R are com- 
posed using the productions P;-P; (see Tab. 2), with 
object R representing the target object ROOF. 
B: Objects X, Y Qm  opectZ 
P, : LAL OD hms aid 
B: AAA 5. = U 
Py: UAL Q up 
Pa: (UVP)A (UVP) © — F 
Ps : FATF (5 2 R 
(D  angle-shaped, 45° < a < 135° 
@ u-shaped 
@  parallelogram-shaped 
@ corresponding in 3D 
© building an egde in 3D, 90° < «y « 170? 
Tab. 2: Table of productions 
A production net for the object ROOF is depicted in 
Fig. 3. The analysis distinguishes between a 2D- and 
3D-analysis. First, the 2D-analysis is carried out inde- 
pendently in different images. 
4.1 2D-Analysis 
Starting with the object primitives LINE, the objects 
be built up by applying the productions (P,-P3). Ob- 
jects ANGLE are built up by connections in pairs of ob- 
jects LINE (Pi). The constellation of objects LINE 
enclosing an angle a can be L-shaped or T-shaped 
(Tab. 2 (D). If two objects ANGLE form a struc- 
ture like an open parallelogram they are combined to 
an object U. STRUCTURE (P5). An object PARAL- 
LELOGRAM can be built up if objects U. STRUCTURE 
and LINE are compatible (P3). In the subsequent 3D- 
analysis 2D-objects form the primitives. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Fig. 3: Production net 
4.2 3D-Analysis 
The 3D-analysis attempts to find in two different im- 
ages pairs of 2D-objects (U_STRUCTURE or PARAL- 
LELOGRAM) which are projections of the same 3D sur- 
face. This is done by selecting pairs and examining rays 
originating at the centre of the projection and by pass- 
ing through the vertices of the 2D-objects. The rays 
result from inverse mapping of the projection. On ideal 
conditions rays running through corresponding object 
vertices of two images will intersect in the 3D-space. 
Due to image noise, processing errors, and inaccurate 
camera parameters the rays generally do not intersect. 
Hence, the minimal distance between the rays is calcu- 
lated. The 2D-objects will be called not correspond- 
ing if this distance between the rays of pairs of ver- 
tices is greater than a given threshold. Additionally, a 
model-based plausibility check ist carried out (e.g. re- 
garding the position: object points must not be under 
the earth’s surface). 
If 2D-objects of different images correspond, the ob- 
ject ROOF_AREA is generated (P4). If objects 
ROOF_AREA are oriented in a way that the surface 
normals enclose an angle vy that lies within a certain 
angle interval and if they are located in a way that the 
vertices are neighbouring, then a target object ROOF is 
generated (P5). The angle interval is assumed to be 
known (Tab. 2 ©). After the 3D-analysis is complete 
the best objects ROOF are selected. 
In the preprocessing stage a symbolic description of the 
scanned aerial image is created. The preprocessing is 
carried out in four steps. 
(1) At first the greylevel image (Fig. 4a) is transferred 
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