Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

According to Molenaar (1995), GIS data modelling 
has four steps or levels which represent the process 
of mapping the real world gradually into symbols 
readable by computers. These four levels include 
spatial modelling, conceptual modelling, logical 
modelling and physical modelling. As the physical 
modelling deals with the physical storage of data in 
computers, users and GIS designers normally pay 
their attention only to the first three levels and the 
relationships among them. Therefore, we will 
discuss how the data modelling at these three levels 
can support full integration. 
Users in different application disciplines pay 
attention to different phenomena. They will 
decompose the complex environmental issues into 
simpler ones. In the mean time several types of 
entities are selected and defined as the study 
objects to represent environmental issues. Later on, 
they use environmental models to describe the 
interrelationship and behaviours of these objects. 
The process of decomposing reality and selecting 
typical objects for a specific discipline is called 
spatial modelling. Therefore, a spatial model can be 
considered as the user understanding of the reality 
and the model is for them to describe the reality. It 
also implies a method to decompose the reality into 
representable entities. 
If the user and GIS designer can decompose the 
reality in the same way, i.e., GIS designers and 
users select the same entities to represent 
environmental issues, then the environmental 
models and GIS can be easily integrated with each 
other. The benefits can be seen from three points. 
Firstly, the users of the system can map their 
understanding of the environmental issues directly 
into GIS without paying attention to the geometric 
concepts such as points, lines and polygons. 
Secondly, the environmental models created outside 
GIS can directly accept the abstract data types 
described in GIS and the output of the 
environmental models can be directly accepted in 
GIS. In this case, the conversion between GIS and 
environmental models for the abstract data types 
will be reduced. Thirdly, the environmental models 
may be developed directly in a GIS as the abstract 
data types can be used to define the environmental 
There are two ways to decompose the complexity, 
which will lead to different criteria and strategies for 
the development of the spatio-temporal GIS data 
2.1 From the Data-Driven Perspective 
Traditionally, the design of a GIS is not directly 
related to the requirements of its application. Most 
of the designs are started from the stage of 
conceptual level. Most available GISs take a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
system-oriented approach, i.e. they structure the 
data and design operations from the perspective of 
a data-driven system, formed according to different 
function modules, such as data input, data analysis, 
data management and output. The reality is 
decomposed into separated layers of space or time. 
So the environmental entities are forced to be 
segmented and represented in these layers. If the 
environmental models are integrated with the 
system, their form and nature have to be adopted as 
the representational basis of the GIS. This approach 
implies an essential adoption of geometrically- 
indexed methods for representing environmental 
models in a spatial context and forces compromises 
on most environmental modelling (Raper and 
Livingstone, 1995). They normally fail to directly 
map the users’ conceptual schemata and analytical 
needs. Consequently, the GIS data structure can 
not satisfactorily support environmental modelling. 
2.2 From the User Perspective 
As the strong emphasis on technical aspects in the 
design of most GISs results in a significant 
drawback of application-specific data and system- 
confined operations (Yuan and Albrecht, 1995), 
some researchers suggested that the data 
structuring and operation design should take a 
users’ perspective. The representational basis of the 
data model should be driven by the structure of the 
application issues. In such a way, the direct 
mapping from users’ concepts to data objects can 
be provided (Yuan, 1995). It means that first level 
integration of spatial modelling can be achieved. 
As structured design does not address the issues of 
data abstraction and information hiding, object- 
oriented analysis and design approach attract more 
and more attention of the experts of information 
system design. In this approach the system is 
decomposed according to the key abstraction in the 
problem domain, rather than decomposing the 
problem into algorithm steps, by which the objects 
are identified and derived directly from the 
vocabulary of the problem domain (Booch, 1993). 
For environmental modeling, Raper and Livingstone 
(1995), among others, stated that the traditional 
science paradigm has been considerably modified in 
the last few decades in a number of ways which 
demands a more rigorous approach towards 
modelling, classifying and discritizing when studying 
environmental problems. Adoption of the object- 
oriented approach to spatial representation 
recognizes these priorities and enables solutions for 
some of the problems of environmental models 
coupled with GIS. 
Therefore, we can see that the system design is 
transferred from a system-oriented perspective to 
an application-oriented perspective, and from a 
data-driven to an object-oriented approach. But 
ideally, GIS data models can better reflect the 
mental models of both the system designer and the 
user in order to best facilitate the communication 

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