fullscreen: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 2)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B2. Istanbul 2004 
via Spatial Analysis, such as hydrological analysis and 
geometric transformations. 
Interpolate grid analyze is a best way to show bioenvironmental 
pollutions on digital and printable maps. In the implementation 
phase, especially interpolate grid analyze has been done to 
emphasize on the density of pollutions by GIS software. 
After several studies and researches about 45 suitable stations 
have been established for data sampling on the Persian Gulf. 
These stations were located by Global Positioning System 
(GPS) facilities. Of course, the situation of these stations was 
greatly depended on the various kinds of elements such as sea 
topography, distance from beach and other stations and etc. 
Distribution of these stations has been shown in below. 
30N TES — ; 
WN : 2d 
28N : zi 
e | 
Zin | 
25N : 
AN | : lust BR 
ATE — ARE 4XE- SCE - SIE . SIE: GE ME 55E  56E 5E 
300 0 300 ___600 Miles 
Sampling stations of the survey area in the Iranian waters of the Persian Gulf 
Figure 1. Sampling Stations 
Regards to some factors and elements, a number of these 
stations were chosen for each sampling, so these stations are 
different in various sampling. 
Data gathering and sampling from various kinds of existing 
biological and non-biological groups has been done in the 
different levels of the Persian Gulf. 
These data were divided to 6 various groups of physical, 
chemical, biological and non-biological elements. 
Row data was provided after data gathering, so data processing 
is an essential work to prepare some efficient information. 
Processing of row data which provided from data sampling 
should be performed by experts and technical persons and 
And at last, map and chart productions to display distribution of 
biological and non-biological elements and also data analysis 
have been implemented by using of GIS. This section has been 
emphasized in this paper. So that it has been mentioned in the 
previous section, maps, charts and map data are casier to 
research, analyze, and present. 
To make a good understanding of map capabilities and how 
they can display the pollution distribution and density, two 
various distribution patterns of hydrocarbon elements 
concentration in the sediment of the northern part of the Persian 
Gulf, have been shown in the following figures. 
i hi LRARAN 
Total TPH ‘net 
oes | ENS 0-25 
BE 56-75 
IE 75 - toc 
50. 06 . 80 100 Mies UAE 
Ry Tey 5 3 + 7 Y r Y 
{TE 4E ASE SE ste [D se se ME se TE 
Figure 2. Hydrocarbon distribution pattern in summer 2001 
nt À sex. 
Totat TPH (79$) 
o We 
Figure 3. Hydrocarbon distribution pattern in winter 2001 
As it is clear in these figures, density of hydrocarbon is 
concentrated on the northwest of Persian Gulf, and the amount 
of it in winter is more than in summer. 
Also another tool for assessment and analysis is charts and 
histograms. But it is useful for separated data and it shows 
linear. distribution. In the next figure, the distribution of 
hydrocarbon is displayed in a linear chart. 
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1.2.3 4545 7.$9-9. 19 11 42 13 16 
Figure 4. Hydrocarbon distribution chart in summer and winter 
Of course the average of hydrocarbon in each sampling station 
was used in the above chart, so that the column or Y axe shows 
the amount of average hydrocarbon and the X axe shows 
transects which are the sampling lines and displayed in the 
Six groups of physical, chemical, biological and non-biological 
elements have been analyzed in the form of above and they 
shows clearly the decreasing of biological elements and 

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