Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

e use of models for 
of 3D —geometry is 
s e.g. that roads are 
? about the appear- 
y occluded objects. 
ly by semantic nets 
he expectations of 
s of forests exhibit 
Ience, to improve 
system uses prior 
econstruction. To 
object classes like 
erpretation is re- 
regions. Consecu- 
ol the 3D —recon- 
se for new model- 
nulated explicitly. 
1 by formal logic, 
|, 1993), semantic 
s, rule based sys- 
) and neural nets 
ural relations se- 
ed by the work of 
ire employed for 
the system archi- 
d methods for ex- 
nsecutive chapter 
'retation. Chapter 
cription is used to 
er concludes with 
Symbolic Scene 
Sensor Data 
Fig. 1: Architecture of knowledge based modelling system AIDA 
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the knowledge based mod- 
eler AIDA. The goal of the modeler is a realistic reconstruc- 
tion of the observed scene. Input to the modelling are over- 
lapping aerial images and prior knowledge about the objects 
present in the scene. Modelling consists of three main mod- 
Image processing: The overlapping aerial images are recti- 
fied in a way that the epipolar line coincides with the image 
scanline to ease search for homologous points. Consecutively 
a height map is computed from the stereoscopic image pair. 
Further line shaped features and regions are segmented in 
the image. 
Symbolic processing: Interpretation uses knowledge about 
the expected objects to group the features and assign a scene 
specific semantic to them resulting in a symbolic scene de- 
Vector processing: From object semantic geometric 
constraints are derived to restrict the free parameters of sur- 
face reconstruction. The objects are approximated by a sur- 
face mesh with overlaid photo texture. 
3.1 Types of Knowledge 
The a priori knowledge for 3D reconstruction of landscapes 
from aerial images includes knowledge about 
e Objects, 
e context and task, 
e sensors, and 
e strategies. 
Objects possess attributes and relations to other objects. As 
attributes geometry (e.g. shape, size, etc.), material (e.g. con- 
crete, sand, etc.), and function can be distinguished. 
Knowledge Base Symbolic Processing: 
Forest Road 
Geometric Constraints 
Vector Processing: 
Image Processing: 
Forest—1  Road—1 
3D —Surface Model 
Objects appear only in special contexts, i.e. forest edges in the 
context of forests. The task specializes the modelling de- 
mands. Both, context and task, reduce the problem domain. 
Sensors transform objects into another, here pictorial repre- 
sentation, using geometric and radiometric transform char- 
acteristics. Image processing operators can be regarded as 
sensors that transform images to images. Their representa- 
tion is not within the scope of this paper. For a representation 
of image processing knowledge the reader is referred to the 
system CONNY (Liedtke, 1992). 
Strategies state how and in which sequence scene analysis has 
to proceed. E.g. eminent objects have to be searched for first. 
3.2 Knowledge Representation 
3.2.1 Objects: Object representation employs frames which 
contain a collection of attributes, relations, and methods (fig. 
2). The relation slot establishes the connection to other ob- 
jects. The object properties are stored as attribute values. 
Further the object has methods, i.e. functions, at its disposal 
to compute the attribute values. There may also be a method 
available to segment the object in the image data. 
Main Road 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
is—a: Road 
part—of—inverse: Road Segment 
Width[m]: 10...20 
Material: Asphalt 
Segmentation: RoadExtractionFunction 
Fig. 2: Example for a frame 

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