Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

of the adaptive 
atching can be 
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an example to 
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agnitude of its 
because there 
ve images, i.e. 
iar adjustment 
parameters of 
> of the points 
:d to judge the 
priori variance 
neters without 
ntation param- 
:oplanar equa- 
can be applied 
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the structural 
r/Gülch, 1987] 
point accuracy 
xtraction. The 
ir coordinates, 
In order to get 
ons, there are 
oints is also a 
ince the image 
oss correlation 
en developed 
Image edges are firstly extracted by means of a one- 
dimensional operator, which is developed for the fast and 
efficient extraction of edges. The lines, which connectivity 
must be unique, are extracted from the edges with the 
mathematical morphological transformation [Wang, 1994]. 
The attributes of a line could be the begin and end point, 
average gray value, line length, line strength, and line cur- 
vature etc. A line have also defined relations with other 
lines and regions. 
The regions are extracted with the methods of image seg- 
mentation. A boundary lines based region growing method 
has been developed for the region extraction, which bene- 
fits from the advantages of both contour-oriented methods 
and region growing methods [Wang, 1992 and 1994]. A 
region can be described with reference coordinates, region 
size, boundary size, gray value, variance, region form etc. 
The region form can be presented with the moment coeffi- 
cients or the Fourier Transformation coefficients. 
There are five kinds of relations considered in the work. 
They are point to line, point to region, line to line, line to 
region and region to region relation. the geometric rela- 
tions (e.g. angle of two crossed lines) are treated similarly 
as the feature primitives, and the topological relations (e.g. 
T-crossing) are used as the constraints. 
The work flow of the structural matching can be demon- 
strated with the Figure 4. With the success of the structural 
naeh the corresponding image points of digital stereo 
sub-struct. pro ability 
"pyramid generation | sub-structures ordering f 
image preprocessing 
geometry-constrained : 
adaptive tree search € 
pyramid bac matching | 
new points densificationf 
attributes of Ie i 
| Fig. 4: flow chart of structural matching of two images 
images can be recognized fully automatically without 
knowing any a priori information such as image overlap 
and image orientation parameters. 
The structural matching methods can be applied in the 
cases, where a correspondence between two data 
descriptions should be found, e.g. two- or three-dimen- 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
sional object recognition between images and maps or 
models, object reconstruction etc. In photogrammetry the 
problems such as the automatic relative orientation, the 
automatic data acquisition for DTM, the automatic aerotri- 
angulation, the automatic recognition of control points and 
other describable objects can be completely solved by the 
structural matching methods. 
Since a few years a program system for the photogram- 
metric automation has been developed under Microsoft 
Windows and is transferred to a Silicon Graphics machine 
at our institute. Its aim is to solve the photogrammetric 
tasks such as automatic orientation, triangulation and sur- 
face reconstruction with highest automation grade. The 
aim is reached by using the structural matching method. 
Following are two examples for the application of the struc- 
tural matching in automatic orientation and triangulation in 
photogrammetry with the developed program system. The 
data acquisition for DTM and surface reconstruction can 
also be fully automated with the structural matching, even 
though from the non-metric images or line scanner 
images. Due to the limited page number the corresponding 
examples will be given in other papers [e.g. Wang, 1994]. 
3.1 Fully automatic relative orientation 
Figure 5(a) displays a stereo image pair in close range 
photogrammetry. It is a convergent pair with up-down con- 
figuration of the photographic centers. Without to know 
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Fig. 5(c): recognized lines by structural matching 
any other information except digital images the corre- 
sponding image points can be recognized by the structural 
matching and the parameters of the coplanar condition 
can be computed with the developed linear method. Figure 
5(b) shows the extracted feature lines for the structural 
matching. Figure 5(c) shows the recognized feature lines 
on the images by the structural matching. The five conven- 
c t c d

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