Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

ding extraction 
he topographic 
osed procedure 
smatic building 
le of Minimum 
ur approach. 
ur Information 
durch die von 
fahrens nutzen 
rasentiert wird. 
alls basieren auf 
he Datenquelle 
SM consists of 
ction of build- 
bout the build- 
netric and pris- 
owledge about 
e building rele- 
t space related 
and resolution 
stner, 1995] we 
r approach, in- 
struction. The 
f the automatic 
n of buildings. 
imum Descrip- 
ion of prismatic 
hortly describes 
of the general 
sults for the IS- 
describes, how 
1 our approach, 
n 4 is based on 
h (MDL). This 
ate the param- 
ramework, and 
ildings by inte- 
scription length 
del and the de- 
plexity depends 
the number of 
observations. The deviation of the data from the model is 
given by the weighed squared sum of the residuals €) of a 
Let the following model be given 
E(y) = g(8), D(y) = Euy (1) 
where G denotes the u x 1 vector of unknown parameters, 
y the n x 1 vector of observations and X, their covariance 
matrix. The description length [Rissanen, 1987] follows by 
2 in2 
DI + = Ibn (2) 
where €) is given by 
Q = [y — &(8)] X, y — e(8)] (3) 
Following the principle of MDL, we search for the description 
which minimizes (2), thus selecting the model and fitting the 
data to the model simultaneously. 
In order to decide whether a difference in description length 
between two alternatives is significant, a hypothesis test 
based on the variance of DL can be applied. The variance 
of DL follows by error propagation taking the variance of N 
into account, which is 2 (n — u), and thus 
dor ien (4) 
The first step towards building extraction is the detection of 
possible building areas in order to focus the later steps of 
reconstruction on these. The principal idea of our approach 
to building detection is to isolate the information about the 
buildings within the DSM and to segment this data by bi- 
narization using a building related threshold, e.g. the height 
of a floor. Therefore, we first compute an approximation of 
the topographic surface. There are different ways which can 
be followed for this purpose. In our approach, we use math- 
ematical morphology (here: opening). As an alternative of 
such an opening, a dual rank filter, which is a modification 
of the opening, can be used. The modification is to use the 
median of the minimal and maximal p% values of the applied 
structuring element [Eckstein and Munkelt, 1995] instead of 
the minimum and maximum itself. This approach has some 
advantages compared to the opening, because it compensates 
for noise and outliers in the data. For the data sets we use 
here the difference between these two approaches show only 
minor effects on the following steps, because the percentage 
of outliers seems to be small. 
The difference between original DSM and the approximation 
of the topographic surface contains the information about the 
buildings, approximately put on a plane. Due to this fact, a 
binarization with a given threshold yields a first segmentation. 
This segmentation shows some deficiencies due to some ef- 
fects of the DSM generation, e.g. round off at building edges 
due to regularization, and global thresholding. Furthermore, 
the first segmentation may include segments, which are higher 
than the surrounding topographic surface, but which do not 
represent buildings, e.g. trees. In order to overcome these 
short-comings, we first select only those segments, whose area 
is greater than the expected minimum area of buildings, and 
then refine the segmentation by adapting the threshold lo- 
cally based on the height information within a bounding box 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Determination of an approximation 
of the topographic surface 
Computation of difference 
Initial segmentation 
Selection of segments 
Refined Segmentation 
î Segmentation 
Figure 1: Building Detection 
115 a 
A PA 113 
= «116 
Vu < m 
Cun UN e 
^, A4 \ y 
NN DI ^ 
SR, A 
A137 134 ZN 
a N e m 
Figure 2: FLAT: gound plan labels 

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