Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Figure 2: Photo capture 
This configuration brings several advantages: 
— the calculation of approximate values for bundle 
ajustment and the check of blunders therein is easily 
— the process of taking photos is simplified 
— the definition of local coordinate systems for the 
generation of the DOM can be done systematically 
For this reasons the configuration looks as shown in fig.3. 
Horizontal stereo models from eight directions have been 
taken followed by corresponding photos with zenith 
angles of 45° and 135°. To increase stability of the 
ajustment two models with a zenith angle of 10° complete 
the work. 
top view front view 
Figure 3: photo configuration 
Image capture. The images were recorded with a Rollei 
6006 metric camera with a 120 mm macro-lens and 11 x 
11 réseau meshes (cf fig. 2). The mean exposure 
distance of 86 cm results in an image scale.of about 1 : 
8. The base length was chosen to 10 cm giving an 
overlap for adjacent images of 80 %. 
The images were recorded on a colour reversal film 
(AGFA RS 120 Plus Professional) with a sensitivity of 50 
ASA. In order to achieve a maximum sharpness a small 
aperture (32) was used. The object was illuminated 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
simply by the ordinary room lights, because additional 
spotlights would have produced specular reflections. 
The model scale was introduced by a metallic ruler 
positioned just in front of the busts plinth and as 
information for the orientation of the model axis served 
the edges of the plinth itself. 
A/D conversion. Due to practical reasons, the anlog 
images were digitized using two different equipments. 
freq. T M 
" ariadne's face 
Figure 4: Gray value distribution 
Using a Wehrli scanner the images were produced with a 
resolution of 12.5 um, wheras the data from the Rollei 
scanner came up with 15 pm. All scan processes were 
optimized, in order to get a uniform distribution of the gray 
values. Fig. 4 presents a typical distribution for a picture, 
showing two parts corresponding to the objects surface 
and the light background. 
Photo triangulation. The triangulation was based on 
manual coordinate meaurements performed at an 
analytical plotter. Difficulties arised due to the lack of 
texture combined with the considerable variations of the 
perspectice for adjacent stereo models resulting in 
special effort needed to identify individual object points. A 
solution was found in the use of a digital CCD camera, 
mounted in front of an eyepiece and storing the image of 
the selected point together with the floating mark. For all 
subsequent measurements at the same object point the 
image was loaded onto a graphics screen allowing to 
compare the visual impression in the actual image with 
that one already given. This concept speeded up the 
whole measurement procedure and reduced the amount 
of misidentifications. 
Over all 53 images 1090 point measurements were 
registered. The triangulation was performed with the 
program package BLUH coming up with an internal 
precision of oo = 4.3 um for the image measurements 
and an accuracy of oxyz = 0.15 mm for the 
coordinates of the object points. The results show a good 
geometric quality of the image configuration and are the 
pre-requisite to establish a homogeneous DOM out of the 
the locally evaluated surface parts. 
Coordinate transformation. Although the object surface 
will be expressed in a unique 3D-system (X,Y,Z), the use 
of a stan 
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Figure 5 
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