Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Input Data 
| Feature Extraction | 
| Feature Based Matching| 
Least Squares Matching 
with Region Growing 
Conjugate Points 
Figure 2: Work-flow of the matching concept 
path, i.e. the relative accuracy will be very good. The ab- 
solute accuracy, however, will be in the order of 1 km and 
2' respectively. Consequently, it will be sufficient to use 
the orbital data solely, if only images of one single strip 
are matched. In order to connect images of different strips 
(orbital arcs), tie points should be available. 
2.2 Feature Extraction 
Feature extraction is performed on the highest level of the 
image pyramid, i.e. on the level with the lowest resolution. 
It is carried out for each image independently. Currently 
the Moravec (1977) interest operator is implemented. This 
operator do not really locate point features, but a kind of 
interest areas (Fôrstner and Gülch 1987). Within these ar- 
eas significant differences of the gray values exist in each of 
the four main directions. For this reason conjugate points 
may be found using an intensity based procedure, e.g. gray 
value correlation. The position of the areas is calculated 
with an accuracy of one pixel only. Hence the Moravec 
operator is not suitable for accurate matching but can 
provide good initial values for a more accurate method 
(e.g. least squares matching). 
2.3 Feature Based Matching 
For each interest point of the reference image, the corre- 
sponding interest point of the second image is ascertained 
by calculating the correlation between the image windows 
in the surroundings of the two interest points. If the corre- 
lation coefficient lies above a certain user-defined thresh- 
old, the two points are considered as conjugate points. The 
choice of this threshold influences number and reliability 
of the conjugate points. In general, a high threshold value 
(e.g. 0.95) will provide highly reliable points whereas a 
lower value (e.g. 0.7) leads to a dense but less reliable 
point distribution. 
This matching procedure would be very time consuming 
and susceptible to ambiguities if each interest point of the 
second image would be considered as a candidate for a 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
conjugate point. For that reason, for each interest point 
in the reference image some coarse information about its 
estimated position in the other image is utilized to build 
up search areas. This geometric information is taken ei- 
ther from the control points or from the orbital data, from 
which affine transformation parameters are calculated. As 
the scale may vary within one image due to the elliptic 
Mars'96 orbit, it is necessary to partition the image into 
transformation cells, each having its own set of transfor- 
mation parameters. 
From feature based matching a set of conjugate points is 
provided. If the acceptance threshold is chosen high, the 
resulting pairs of conjugate points are reliable but not very 
dense. The following method is introduced to receive a 
dense distribution of conjugate points. 
2.4 Least Squares Matching 
This method consists of two major steps: First, the con- 
jugate points are checked and their accuracy is improved 
by means of least squares matching (Ackermann 1983). 
Second, these re-measured points serve as seed points for 
region growing (Otto and Chau 1989). 
The number of resulting points mainly depends on the 
raster spacing of the region growing and the pyramid level 
on which it is performed. The raster spacing should not 
be too large, especially in mountainous regions in order to 
get good approximations for the next points. The pyramid 
level should be chosen dependent on the complexity of the 
image data, e.g. if there are only structures of only a few 
pixels width which possibly disappears on higher pyramid 
levels, a lower start level have to be chosen. 
To speed up the matching procedure, least squares match- 
ing with region growing normally is performed only once 
on a higher pyramid level (e.g. level 5, where one pixel 
consist of 32 - 32 pixel of the original image). 
2.5 Tracking 
If the parameters (step size, pyramid level) are chosen ap- 
propriately, enough conjugate points are generated by least 
squares matching. To improve the accuracy, the conjugate 
points are projected on the next lower pyramid level and 
remeasured using least squares matching. This step is re- 
peated until the lowest level is reached. The number of 
points decreases because of 
e wrongly matched points which are eliminated on dif- 
ferent resolution levels 
e the non-linear change of texture within the image 
In this section we present results of the new matching 
approach. To this end, three different image sets have 
been selected. Two of them were taken by 3-line scanners 
whereas the third was acquired by a frame camera. For all 
image sets we used six manually measured tie points per 
image as initial information. 

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