Full text: XVIIIth Congress (Part B3)

Live edge preserv- 
iot parallel to the 
system. Because 
tions reacts more 
tomatic breakline 
ection is the der- 
> breakline points 
1s) in the object 
Ihe implemented 
information. For 
ı method to deal 
The investigated areas for the automatic breakline detection 
are rectangular areas defined in the object space corresponding 
to the marked areas in the digital images above. The details for 
the used projects are summarized in the following table. 
Open coal- | Mountainous 
mine terrain 
image scale 1: 8000 1: 8400 
image resolution 15 um 30 um 
image type black / white | black / white 
DEM size (X/Y) 540m / 640m | 700m / 800m 
max./min. spacing 12m / 3n 16m / 4m 
min. / max. height in the| 15m/106m |1913m/2199m 
object space 
number of automatic de- 3911 3170 
tected breakline points 
Table 4.1: Details of the projects 
The first practical applications refer to the current state of the 
development (chapter: 3.2). The following figures contain the 
final results of the DEM generation process using an adaptive 
edge preserving filter. The derived structure information is 
superimposed to the DEM's and symbolizes the local surface 
areas of maximum curvature in the object space. 
Figure 4.7: DEM of open coal-mine excavation area 
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Figure 4.8: Breakline area (detail) 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXI, Part B3. Vienna 1996 
Figure 4.10: Breakline area (detail) 
The representation of the breakline points and their correspon- 
ding breakline directions are realized by vectors. The vectors 
direct to the local minimum of curvature, hence the direction 
of the local maximum of curvature is perpendicular to those 
The detail figures elucidate the reliability of the breakline 
detection. The first geometrical approximation of the break- 
lines depends on the spacing of the DEM posts to a high de- 
gree. An unsuitable grid width (e.g. grid width too large) can 
lead to difficulties due to the vectorization of the point 
The algorithm derives a band of vectors in some breakline sec- 
tions along the real breakline. Only breaklines parallel to the 
object coordinate system provide a clearly breakline descrip- 
tion. During to the fact of ambiguities during the vectorization 
of the point information we are forced to generalize the gained 
result for the next steps of the breakline detection (chapter 3). 
But nevertheless, the band of points to the left and right of the 
real breakline is a sufficient representation of the breakline for 
the surface reconstruction. 
To increase the reliability of the breakline detection and to 
minimize the model error caused by the quantization of the 
DEM we introduced the variable grid width indicated in the 
DEM presentations above. The automatic adaptation of the 
grid width is controlled using the extracted breakline informa- 
tion. In comparison with breakline areas it is not necessary to

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